Alexander Poets, Mattes Waßmann, Maxim Penner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
DECT NR+: A new radio standard to benefit professional audio applications,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 50. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
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Benjamin Pries, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Advancements in Headphone Technology,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 50. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
Daphne Schössow, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Noise Perception Studies Based on Immersive Audio Reproduction,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 50. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
Edmir Xhoxhi, Vincent Albert Wolff
A Data-Driven Analysis of Vulnerable Road User Safety in Interaction with Connected Automated Vehicles,
15th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2024
Edmir Xhoxhi, Vincent Albert Wolff, Yao Li, Florian Alexander Schiegg
Vulnerable Road User Clustering for Collective Perception Messages: Efficient Representation Through Geometric Shapes,
15th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2024
Hassan Ahmad, Awais Bin Asif, Jürgen Peissig, Maxim Penner
MAC Protocol for Reducing Outage Probability in DECT-2020 New Radio,
Proceedings of the 20th international Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WIMOB)
Mahsa Noroozi, Flavio Gallistl, Majid Noroozi
Performance Evaluation of a New Scheduling Model Using Congestion Window Reservation,
Mahsa Noroozi, Markus Fidler, Jaya Prakash Champati, Joerg Widmer
Age-of-Information in Tandem Queues with Delayed Feedback: Zero-Wait vs. Pipelining,
PIMRC 2024
Mattes Waßmann, Alexander Poets, Jürgen Peissig, Jens Pilz
Performance of DECT-2020 NR in an industrial environment for varying RF bands,
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit)
Nils Poschadel, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Deep-Learning-based Sound Source Localization,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 50. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
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Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Juergen Peissig
Immersive Networked Music Performance: Impact of Extended Reality on the Quality of Experience,
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Networked Immersive Audio (IS²)
Roman Kiyan, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Hearing and Feeling: Immersion in Audio,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 50. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
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Roman Kiyan, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Robokopp: Robotic Setup for Automated Sweet Spot Measurements with Head Simulators and Microphone Arrays,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 50. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
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Roman Kiyan, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Determining the immersion sweet area in multichannel loudspeaker reproduction using spatial sound field features,
Proceedings of the AES 156th Convention (peer-reviewed full paper, winner of the Best Technical Paper Award), Madrid, Spain
Vincent Albert Wolff, Edmir Xhoxhi
Mitigating Vulnerable Road Users Occlusion Risk Via Collective Perception: An Empirical Analysis,
Accepted for 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2024
Vincent Albert Wolff, Edmir Xhoxhi, Felix Tautz
An Application Layer Multi-Hop Collective Perception Service for Vehicular Adhoc Networks,
35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2024
Alexander Poets, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
On the Evaluation of Perceived Spatial Immersion in the Application of Automatic Upmixing for 3D Surround Sound Systems,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hamburg
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Benjamin Pries, Roman Schlieper, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Aktive Regelung der akustischen Kopfhörerimpedanz zur Minimierung des Okklusionseffekts,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hamburg
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Daphne Schössow, Dominik Kawczynski, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Der Einfluss visueller Präsentationsmodi auf die Wahrnehmung von WEA-Stimuli in Probandenstudien,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hamburg
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Daphne Schössow, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig, Susanne Könecke, Tobias Bohne, Raimund Rolfes
A comparison of methods for identifying wind turbine sounds in big data sets,
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise, Dublin, Ireland. pp. 374-394.
Edmir Xhoxhi
Application-Oriented Resource Orchestration Algorithm for Connected Vehicles,
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2023)
Edmir Xhoxhi, Florian Alexander Schiegg
A First Study on the Spectrum Needs for Release 2 V2X Services,
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC-Fall 2023)
Edmir Xhoxhi, Shule Li
On the Coexistence of Maneuver Coordination Service with Use-Case Specific Applications,
IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2023 (IEEE VNC 2023)
Edmir Xhoxhi, Shule Li, Florian Alexander Schiegg
Message Generation Algorithm for Maneuver Coordination Based on Value of Information,
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC-Spring 2023)
Edmir Xhoxhi, Vincent Albert Wolff, Alexey Orychshenko
LiDaSim: A Lightweight Dataset-Based Simulation Framework for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks,
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC-Fall 2023)
Florian A. Schiegg, Anna-Lisa Rüeck, Jörg Gamerdinger, Hugues Tchouankem, Edmir Xhoxhi, Georg Volk
Accounting for the Special Role of Infrastructure-assisted Collective Perception,
IEEE Internation Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2023)
Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Perceptual Correlates of Underlying Acoustic Dimensions in Soundscape Assessment,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hamburg
Kilian Sander, Yves Wycisk, Reinhard Kopiez, Friedrich Platz, Jürgen Peissig, Stephan Preihs, Roman Kiyan, Daphne Schössow
Die Messung immersiven Musik-Erlebens: Das Immersive Music Experience Inventory (IMEI),
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hamburg
Lukas Prause, Mark Akselrod
TCP Congestion Control Performance Issues in Non-Standalone 5G NR Networks,
2023 IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Fall)
Mahsa Noroozi, Kai Wang
Implementation and Evaluation of Networked Model Predictive Control System on Universal Robot,
ICRAE 2023
Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Ambisonics-based Spatial Audio Systems: A Wave-Domain Approach,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hamburg
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Muhammad Nabeel, Akram Chbib, Muhammad Sohaib Amjad, Falko Dressler, Jürgen Peissig
Low-Complexity Linear and Non-Linear Digital Self-Interference Cancellation,
2023 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)
Nils Poschadel, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
LoCOMo: A Low-Cost Open-Source Head Motorization Kit,
155th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (peer-reviewed full paper; accepted for publication)
More info
Nils Poschadel, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Comparison of Regression and Classification Models for Multi-Source Direction of Arrival Estimation with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hamburg
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Roman Kiyan, Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Daphne
Schössow, Yves Wycisk, Kilian Sander, Reinhard Kopiez,
Jürgen Peissig, Friedrich Platz
On the Relationship of Perceived Immersion to Acoustic Properties of Surround Sound Music Reproduction,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hamburg
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Vincent Albert Wolff
Enhancing Vulnerable Road User Awareness of Intelligent Transport Systems Through Relay and Aggregation of Collective Perception Messages with Road Side Units,
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Yuqing Li, Joao Cardenuto, Fabio Di Giusto, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
A near-field Head-Related Transfer Function data set of KEMAR with high distance resolution and multiple elevations,
Proceedings of the 154th AES Convention
Yuqing Li, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Relative distance perception of a position-dynamic nearby virtual sound source,
Proceeding of the 2023 AES International Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio
Yves Wycisk, Kilian Sander, Benedetto Manca, Reinhard Kopiez, Jürgen Peissig, Jakob Bergner, Friedrich Platz, Stephan Preihs
Audio-Experimente im Internet: Kontrolle über die Abhörsituation mittels des Headphone and Loudspeaker Tests (HALT),
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hamburg
Brenton Walker
Stefan Bora
Markus Fidler
Performance and Scaling of Parallel Systems with Blocking Start and/or Departure Barriers,
IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications
Daphne Schössow, Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
An Open-Source Python Framework for the Generation of Questionnaire GUIs without Programming,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Stuttgart
Daphne Schössow, Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Concept for an open database of acoustical wind turbine measurements,
Wind Europe Technology Workshop 2022, Brussels
Edmir Xhoxhi, Florian Schiegg
Benefits of DCC Facilities in ITS-G5 Networks - First Simulated Results,
IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Spring)
Jakob Bergner, Yves Wycisk, Daphne Schössow, Kilian Sander, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig, Reinhard Kopiez, Friedrich Platz
Analyzing the Degree of Immersion of Music Reproduction by means of Acoustic Fingerprinting,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Stuttgart
Jan Dürre, Norbert Werner, Seppo Hämäläinen, Oscar Lindfors, Janne Koistinen, Miro Saarenmaa, Robert Hupke
In-Depth Latency and Reliability Analysis of a Networked Music Performance over Public 5G Infrastructure,
Proceedings of the 153nd Audio Engineering Society (AES) Convention, New York, October 2022
Lukas Prause, Mark Akselrod
A Measurement Study on the Application-level Performance of NSA-NR,
IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Spring)
Mahsa Noroozi, Lorenz Kies
Performance Analysis of Universal Robot Control System Using Networked Predictive Control,
ICRAE 2022
Mahsa Noroozi, Markus Fidler
A Min-plus Model of Age-of-Information with Worst-case and Statistical Bounds,
ICC 2022
Mahsa Noroozi, Markus Fidler
Age-and Deviation-of-Information of Time-Triggered and Event-Triggered Systems,
ITC 2022
Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs, Juergen Peissig
Velocity-Contolled Parameter Switching for Echo Cancellation in Immersive Telepresence with Continuously Changing Microphone Positions,
Proceedings of the AES 2022 Spring Show/152nd Convention
Nils Poschadel, Roman Kiyan, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
On the impact of input scaling strategies for deep learning based DOA estimation from Ambisonics signals,
ICA 2022, Gyeongju
Robert Hupke, Jan Dürre, Norbert Werner, Jürgen Peissig
Latency and Quality-of-Experience Analysis of a Networked Music Performance Framework for Realistic Interaction,
Proceedings of the 152nd Audio Engineering Society (AES) Convention, The Hague, May 2022
Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Immersive Room Extension Environment for Networked Music Performance,
Proceedings of the 153nd Audio Engineering Society (AES) Convention, New York, October 2022
Roman Kiyan, Nils Poschadel, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Adaption of Layerwise Relevance Propagation for Audio
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Stuttgart
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Roman Schlieper, Stephan Preihs, Juergen Peissig
An open dataset of measured HRTFs perturbed by headphones,
Proceedings of the AES 2022 Spring Show/152nd Convention
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Shule Li, Vincent Albert Wolff
Tracking Accuracy Based Generation Rules of Collective Perception Messages,
Stephan Preihs, Leon Fehrs, Jürgen Peissig
Towards the Implementation of a Standard-compliant Audiometry System on a Mobile Device,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Stuttgart
Yuqing Li, Joao Cardenuto, Fabio Di Giusto, Soerd van Ophem, Stephan Preihs, Elke Deckers, Jürgen Peissig
Cross-validation of acquisition methods for nearfield Head-Related Transfer Functions with a high distance resolution,
Proceedings of meetings on acoustics Acoustical Society of America, Fourth Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics
Yuqing Li, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Continuous-Distance Acquisition of Near-field Head-Related Transfer Functions Using Adaptive Filtering,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Stuttgart
Yuqing Li, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Acquisition of Continuous-Distance Near-field Head-Related Transfer Functions on KEMAR Using Adaptive Filtering,
Proceedings of the AES 2022 Spring Show/152nd Convention
Yves Wycisk, Kilian Sander, Reinhard Kopiez, Friedrich Platz, Jürgen Peissig, Stephan Preihs
Messung immersiven Musik-Erlebens: Das Immersive Audio Quality Inventory,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Stuttgart
Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Soundscape Fingerprinting - Methods and Parameters for Acoustic Assessment,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021, 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Wien.
Kilian Sander, Yves Wycisk, Benedetto Manca, Reinhard Kopiez, Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig, Friedrich Platz
Messung immersiven Musik-Erlebens: Das Immersive Audio Quality Iventory [IAQI],
Proceedings der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie e.V.
Kilian Sander, Yves Wycisk, Benedetto Manca, Reinhard Kopiez, Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig, Friedrich Platz
Headphone and Loudspeaker Screening for Web-Based Auditory Experiments: Suggestions for a Reliable Estimation of Data Quality and Sample Size,
Proceeding of the ICMPC/ESCOM
Marcel Nophut, Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Towards Wave-Domain Adaptive Filtering for Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellation in Higher-Order Ambisonics Systems,
29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2021)
Maxim Penner, Muhammad Nabeel, Jürgen Peissig
URLLC Performance Evaluation of IMT-2020 Candidate Technology: DECT-2020 New Radio,
2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall)
Maxim Penner, Muhammad Nabeel, Jürgen Peissig
FBMC Testbed with Frequency Domain Synchronization and Adaptive Bandwidth,
17th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
Maxim Penner, Muhammad Nabeel, Jürgen Peissig
Link-Level Performance Evaluation of IMT-2020 Candidate Technology: DECT-2020 New Radio,
Nils Poschadel, Christian Gill, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
CNN-based multi-class multi-label classification of sound scenes in the context of wind turbine sound emission measurements,
Proceeding of the INTERNOISE 2021
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Nils Poschadel, Mahdi Alyasin, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Further Insights on the Influence of a Dynamic Binaural Synthesis on Speech Intelligibility in TETRA-coded VoiceCommunication,
150th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (peer-reviewed full paper), online virtual conference
Nils Poschadel, Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Room Geometry Estimation from Higher-Order Ambisonics Signals using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks,
150th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (peer-reviewed full paper), online virtual conference
Nils Poschadel, Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Direction of Arrival Estimation of Noisy Speech using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks with Higher-Order Ambisonics Signals,
29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2021)
Nils Poschadel, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Multi-Source Direction of Arrival Estimation of Noisy Speech using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks with Higher-Order Ambisonics Signals,
29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2021)
Reinhard Kopiez, Kilian Sander, Yves Wycisk, Friedrich Platz, Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
The Measurement of 3D-Audio Experience: The Immersive Audio Quality Inventory [IAQI],
Proceedings der Tonmeistertagung
Roman Schlieper, Benjamin Pries, Jürgen Peissig
Vergleich von Kanaldifferenzen und nichtlinearen Verzerrungen mit dem Verkaufspreis von Kopfhörern,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021, 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Wien.
Roman Schlieper, Thure Gnadeberg, Song Li, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
High-frequency acoustic impedance tube based on MEMS microphones,
Proceeding of the INTERNOISE 2021.
Stephan Preihs, Jakob Bergner, Daphne Schössow, Jürgen Peissig
Assessing Wind Turbine Noise Perception by means of Contextual Laboratory and Online Studies,
9th International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise, e-Conference from Europe, 2021
Stephan Preihs, Jakob Bergner, Daphne Schössow, Jürgen Peissig
On Predicting the Perceived Annoyance of Wind Turbine Sound,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021, 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Wien.
Vu Anh Vu, Mark Akselrod
An experiment of dual-LTE MPTCP with In-Car Voice Assistant,
2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring)
Yuqing Li, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Development and Validation of a Sound Source for Near-Field HRTF Measurements,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021, 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Wien
Yves Wycisk, Reinhard Kopiez, Kilian Sander, Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig, Friedrich Platz
Bringing Confounding Variables to a HALT: Suggestions for the Controlled Use of Playback Devices in Internet Experiments,
Proceedings of the ICMPC/ESCOM
Alexander Poets, Roman Schlieper, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
On the Design of a MEMS Microphone Array for a Mobile Beamforming Application,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020, 46. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
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Daphne Schössow, Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Audiovisuelle Laborstudie zur Lästigkeit von WEA-Schall,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020, 46. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
Henning Piper, Marcel Nophut, Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Investigations on Loudspeaker-based Auralization of Immersively Connected Rooms,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020, 46. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
Javier Conte Alcaraz, Sanam Moghaddamnia, Maxim Penner, Jürgen Peissig
Monitoring the Rehabilitation Progress using a DCNN and kinematic Data for digital Healthcare,
28th IEEE European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), January 18-22, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lars Stratmann, Brenton Walker, Vu Anh Vu
Realistic Emulation of LTE With MoonGen and DPDK,
WiNTECH'20: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization
Marcel Nophut, Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Ambisonics-based Immersive Distributed Performances,
148th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Vienna
Mark Akselrod
Application Level Performance of Carrier Aggregation in a Live LTE Network,
IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall)
Mark Akselrod, Markus Fidler
TCP Congestion Control Performance on a Highway in a Live LTE Network,
IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall)
Markus Fidler, Brenton Walker, Stefan Bora
Tiny Tasks - A Remedy for Synchronization Constraints in Multi-Server Systems,
Maxim Penner, Sami Akin, Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig
Bit Error Probability for Asynchronous Channel Access with Interference Cancellation and FBMC, WCNC 2020, Seoul, South Korea
Neha Bisht and Rahi Avinash Shet
Platoon-based Cooperative Intersection Management Strategies,
2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring)
Nils Poschadel, Christian Gill, Stephan Preihs, Susanne Mertens, Jakob Bergner, Raimund Rolfes, Jürgen Peissig
Machine Learning basierte Klassifikation von Außenschallszenen für Lärmmessungen an Windenergieanlagen,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020, 46. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
Nils Poschadel, Mahdi Alyasin, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Investigations on the Influence of a Dynamic Binaural Synthesis on Speech Intelligibility in Communication Applications,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020, 46. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
Robert Hupke, Andrea Genovese, Sri Sridhar, Agnieszka Roginska and Jürgen Peissig
Impact of Source Panning on a Global Metronome in Rhythmic Networked Music Performance,
2020 27th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2020, pp. 73-83, (Best Student Paper Award)
Robert Hupke, Sebastian Lauster, Nils Poschadel, Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs and Jürgen Peissig
Localization and Categorization of Early Reflections for Estimating Acoustic Reflection Coefficients,
2020 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP),2020
Sami Akin, Maxim Penner, Jürgen Peissig
Joint Channel Estimation and Data Decoding using SVM-based Receivers,
Sebastian Lauster, Robert Hupke, Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Bestimmung des Reflexionsfaktors mit einem sphärischen Mikrofonarray,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020, 46. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Hannover
Song Li, Aly Tobbala, and Jürgen Peissig
Towards Mobile 3D HRTF Measurement,
148th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (Online Virtual Conference)
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Sukhpreet Kaur Khangura
Neural Network-based Available Bandwidth Estimation from TCP Sender-side Measurements,
The 8th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks
Vu Anh Vu and Brenton Walker
On the Latency of Multipath-QUIC in Real-time Applications,
16th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Investigation on Ecological Validity within Higher Order Ambisonics Reproductions of Wind Turbine Noisescapes
Internoise 2019, Madrid
Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
On Wind Turbine Noisescape Reproduction for Perceptual Evaluation,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Rostock
Jakob Bergner, Stephan Preihs, Robert Hupke, Jürgen Peissig
A System for Room Response Equalization of Listening Areas Using Parametric Peak Filters
AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio, York, UK
Javier Conte Alcaraz, Sanam Moghaddamnia, Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig
Efficiency of the Memory Polynomial Model in Realizing Digital Twins for Gait Assessment, 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), September 2-6, 2019, A Coruña, Spain
Marcel Nophut, Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Verfahren zur Multikanal-Echokompensation in immersiv verknüpften Räumen,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Rostock
Maxim Penner, Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig
Bit Error Probability for Asynchronous Channel Access in Feedback-Less MTC with FBMC-OQAM, 2019 ISWCS, Oulu, Finnland
Maxim Penner, Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig
Bit Error Probability for Asynchronous Channel Access in Feedback-Less MTC with Scattered Pilot-Based FBMC-OQAM, 2019 Wimob, Barcelona, Spanien
Rahi Avinash Shet and Frederik Schewe
Performance evaluation of cruise controls and their impact on passenger comfort in autonomous vehicle platoons,
2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring)
Robert Hupke, James Ordner, Jakob Bergner, Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Towards a Virtual Audiovisual Environment for Interactive 3D Audio Productions,
2019 AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio, York, UK
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Robert Hupke, Lukas Beyer, Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Effect of a Global Metronome on Ensemble Accuracy in Networked Music Performance,
Audio Engineering Society Convention 147, New York, NY, USA, (Winner of the 147th AES Convention Student Paper Award)
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Robert Hupke, Lukas Beyer, Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
A Rhythmic Synchronization Service for Music Performances over Distributed Networks,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Rostock
Robert Hupke, Sripathi Sridhar, Andrea Genovese, Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs, Tom Beyer, Agnieszka Roginska, Jürgen Peissig
A Latency Measurement Method for Networked Music Performances,
Audio Engineering Society Convention 147, New York, NY, USA
Roman Schlieper, Song Li, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
The Effect of Active Noise Cancellation on the Acoustic Impedance of Headphones,
2019 AES International Conference on Headphone Technology, San Francisco, CA, USA
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Roman Schlieper, Song Li, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
The Relationship between the Acoustic Impedance of Headphones and the Occlusion Effect,
2019 AES International Conference on Headphone Technology, San Francisco, CA, USA, [Winner of the AES Poster Award]
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Sami Akın and Markus Fidler
Multi-Access Spreading over Time: MAST,
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Shengyue Yao, Rahi Avinash Shet and Bernhard Friedrich
Managing connected automated vehicles in mixed traffic considering communication reliability: a platooning strategy,
22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, (EWGT)
Song Li, Roman Schlieper, and Jürgen Peissig
Externalization Enhancement for Headphone-Reproduced Virtual Frontal and Rear Sound Images,
2019 AES International Conference on Headphone Technology, San Francisco, CA, USA
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Song Li, Roman Schlieper, and Jürgen Peissig
A Hybrid Method for Blind Estimation of Frequency Dependent Reverberation Time Using Speech Signals,
2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
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Song Li, Roman Schlieper, and Jürgen Peissig
The Impact of Head Movement on Perceived Externalization of a Virtual Sound Source with Different BRIR Lengths,
2019 AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio, York, UK
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Song Li, Roman Schlieper, Stephan Preihs, and Jürgen Peissig
The Relative Influence of Reverberation at the Contralateral versus Ipsilateral Ear on Perceived Externalization of a Lateral Sound Source,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Rostock
Stephan Preihs, Jakob Bergner, Jürgen Peissig
Ansätze zur binauralen Erweiterung einer Algorithmik zur lästigkeitsbezogenen Analyse und Synthese der Schallemissionen von Windenergieanlagen,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Rostock
Sukhpreet Kaur Khangura
Neural Network-based Available Bandwidth Estimation from TCP Sender-side Measurements,
8th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks,
Sukhpreet Kaur Khangura and Sami Akın
Measurement-based Online Available Bandwidth Estimation employing Reinforcement Learning
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Tilak Varisetty, David Dietrich
Client-side Bandwidth Estimation Technique for Adaptive Streaming of a Browser Based Free-Viewpoint Application,
ACM Digital Library
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Vu Anh Vu, Brenton Walker
Redundant Multipath-TCP Scheduling with Desired Packet Latency,
CHANTS'19: Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Challenged Networks
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Akın, Sami
Energy Management in Wireless Communications with Energy Storage Imperfections,
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Brenton Walker, Vu Anh Vu, Markus Fidler
Multi-Headed MPTCP Schedulers to Control Latency in Long-Fat / Short-Skinny Heterogeneous Networks
Javier Conte Alcaraz, Sanam Moghaddamnia, Nils Poschadel and Jürgen Peissig
Machine Learning as Digital Therapy Assessment for Mobile Gait Rehabilitation,
28th IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, September 17-20, 2018, Aalborg, Denmark
Marcel Nophut, Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Comparison of Methods for Estimating the Propagation Delay of Acoustic Signals in an Audience Service for Live Events,
144th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Milano
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Marcel Nophut, Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Real-Time Estimation of Propagation Delays for Temporal Alignment
of Audio Signals in Augmented Reality Applications,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018, 44. Jahrestagung für Akustik, München
Marcel Nophut, Robert Hupke, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Advancements in Propagation Delay Estimation of Acoustic Signals in an Audience Service for Live Events,
145th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society
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Mark Akselrod and Markus Fidler
Statistical Delay Bounds for Automatic Repeat Request Protocols with Pipelining,
30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30)
Mark Akselrod, Markus Fidler, Ralf Lübben
Stochastic Guarantees for Rate-Adaptive Streaming,
2018 International Workshop on Network Calculus and Applications (NetCal 2018) at 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30)
Marwan Hammouda, Sami Akın, Anna Maria Vegni, Harald Haas, and Jürgen Peissig
Hybrid RF/VLC systems under QoS constraints,
The 25th International Conference on Communications (ICT), Saint-Malo, France
Mehdi Tavakoli Garrosi, Tongxing Lu, Lei Zhong and Yusheng Ji
Unicast Assisted GeoBroadcast in Urban Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks,
2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Chicago, 2018
Robert Hupke, Marcel Nophut, Song Li, Roman Schlieper, Stephan Preihs, and Jürgen Peissig
The Immersive Media Laboratory: Installation of a Novel Multichannel Audio Laboratory for Immersive Media Applications,
144th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society
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Robert Hupke, Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Perceptual Evaluation of an Augmented Audience Service under Realistic Live Conditions,
145th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society
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Robert Hupke, Marcel Nophut, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
5G-Enabled Augmented Audience Services for Live Events,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018, 44. Jahrestagung für Akustik, München
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Roman Schlieper, Song Li, and Jürgen Peissig
Development and Validation of a Full Range Acoustic Impedance Tube,
144th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society
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Roman Schlieper, Song Li, Stephan Preihs, Jürgen Peissig
Estimation of the Headphone "Openness" Based on Measurements of Pressure Division Ratio, Headphone Selection Criterion, and Acoustic Impedance,
145th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society
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S. Kar, A. Rizk, M. Fidler
Multi-Interface Communication: Interface Selection under Statistical Performance Constraints,
ITC-30, NetCal Workshop
Sanam Moghaddamnia, Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig
Use of Statistical Signal Properties for Adaptive Predistortion of High Power Amplifiers,
2018 Int. Symp. Wirel. Commun. Syst.
Song Li, Jiaxiang E, Roman Schlieper, and Jürgen Peissig
The Impact of Trajectories of Head and Source Movements on Perceived Externalization of a Frontal Sound Source,
144th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society
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Sukhpreet Kaur Khangura, Markus Fidler and Bodo Rosenhahn
Neural Networks for Measurement-based Bandwidth Estimation,
IFIP Networking 2018
Tilak Varisetty, Markus Fidler, Matthias Ueberheide, Marcus Magnor
On the Delay Performance of Browser-based
Interactive TCP Free-viewpoint Streaming,
IFIP Digital Library
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Brenton Walker
Benchmarking and Simulating the Fundamental Scaling Behaviors of a MapReduce Engine,
IFIP Networking Workshop on Information-Centric Fog Computing, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2017
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Camilo Klinkert Correa, Song Li and Jürgen Peissig
Analysis and Comparison of different Adaptive Filtering Algorithms for Fast Continuous HRTF Measurement,
Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA Kiel, 2017.
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Christian Mortsiefer, Jürgen Peissig
Design of a Broadband Microphone Array for Speech Applications
with Focus on Transducer Arrrangement and Beamforming Techniques, 06. - 09. Mar 2017,
Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA Kiel, 2017.
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D. Dietrich, C. Papagianni, P. Papadimitriou, J. S. Baras
Near-Optimal Placement of Virtualized EPC Functions with Latency Bounds,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10340 - Revised Selected Best Papers of COMSNETS 2017
D. Dietrich, C. Papagianni, P. Papadimitriou, J. S. Baras
Network Function Placement on Virtualized Cellular Cores,
Proc. of IEEE COMSNETS 2017
Javier Conte Alcaraz, Sanam Moghaddamnia and Jürgen Peissig
Mobile Quantification and Therapy Course Tracking for Gait Rehabilitation,
22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 23-25 August 2017
Mark Akselrod, Nico Becker, Markus Fidler and Ralf Lübben
4G LTE on the Road - What Impacts Download Speeds Most?,
IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2017-Fall)
Mehdi Tavakoli Garrosi, Marcel Kalac, Torsten Lorenzen
Geo-routing in Urban Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks: A Literature Review,
IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2017), Silicon Valley, USA, 2017.
Mehdi Tavakoli Garrosi, Xi Xiang and Mohsen Noroozi
Loop-free Enhanced Intersection-based Perimeter Geo-routing with Carry-and-forward for Urban VANETs,
IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2017-Fall
N. Herbaut, D. Negru, D. Dietrich, P. Papadimitriou
Service Chain Modeling and Embedding for NFV-based Content Delivery,
Proc. of IEEE ICC 2017
Nils Poschadel, Sanam Moghaddamnia, Javier Conte Alcaraz, Marc Steinbach and Jürgen Peissig
A Dictionary Learning Based Approach for Gait Classification,
22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 23-25 August 2017
Ruben Braun, Song Li and Jürgen Peissig
A Measurement System for Fast Estimation of 2D Individual HRTFs with Arbitrary Head Movements,
International Conference on Spatial Audio, Graz, 2017
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Sami Akin, Marwan Hammouda, and Jürgen Peissig
QoS Analysis of Cognitive Radios Employing HARQ,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
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Song Li and Jürgen Peissig
Fast Estimation of 2D Individual HRTFs with Arbitrary Head Movements,
22nd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), London, 2017
Sukhpreet Kaur Khangura and Markus Fidler
Available Bandwidth Estimation from Passive TCP
Measurements using the Probe Gap Model, IFIP Networking 2017
Torsten Lorenzen
SWeRC: Self-Weighted Semi-Cooperative DSRC Congestion Control based on LIMERIC,
86th IEEE Vehicular Technology Congerence (IEEE VTC'17 Fall), Toronto, Canada
A. Abujoda and P. Papadimitriou
DistNSE: Distributed Network Service Embedding Across Multiple Providers,
A. Abujoda, H. R. Kouchaksaraei, and P. Papadimitriou
SDN-Based Source Routing for Scalable Service Chaining in Datacenters,
Brenton Walker
Computing Network Coded Data Coverage in an Opportunistic Data Dissemination Network
C. Le, S. Moghaddamnia and J. Peissig
On the Performance of Alamouti Scheme in 2X2 MIMO-FBMC Systems
19th International Conference on OFDM and Frequency Domain Techniques (ICOF 2016), 25-26 August 2016
Hugues Tchouankem
"Characterization of Intersection Topologies in Urban Areas for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication",
IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC2016-Fall 18–21 September 2016, Montréal, Canada
J. F. Riera and J. Batallé and J. Bonnet and M. Días and M. McGrath and G. Petralia and F. Liberati and A. Giuseppi and A. Pietrabissa and A. Ceselli and A. Petrini and M. Trubian and P. Papadimitrou and D. Dietrich and A. Ramos and J. Melián and G. Xilouris and A. Kourtis and T. Kourtis and E. K. Markakis
TeNOR: Steps towards an orchestration platform for multi-PoP NFV deployment
M. Penner, M. Fuhrwerk and J. Peissig
A Measurement Based Evaluation of Feedback-Less MTC Using FBMC-OQAM,
ISWCS, 20-23 September 2016, Poznan, Poland
Markus Fidler and Yuming Jiang
Non-Asymptotic Delay Bounds for (k, l) Fork-Join
Systems and Multi-Stage Fork-Join Networks,
Marwan Hammouda, Sami Akin, and Jürgen Peissig
Effective capacity in broadcast channels with arbitrary inputs
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Mehdi Tavakoli Garrosi
Enhanced Intersection-based Perimeter Geo-routing in Urban Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks ,
IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2016-Fall
Ralf Lübben and Markus Fidler
On Characteristic Features of the Application Level Delay Distribution of TCP Congestion Avoidance,
Ralf Lübben and Markus Fidler
Estimation Method for the Delay Performance of
Closed-loop Flow Control with Application to TCP,
Robert Hupke, Sanam Moghaddamnia, and Jürgen Peissig
Ein breitbandiges Ultraschall-Messsystem für raumakustische Anwendungen im physikalischen Modell,
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2016, 42. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Aachen
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Sebastian Schiessl, Farshad Naghibi, Hussein Al-Zubaidy, Markus Fidler, and James Gross
On the Delay Performance of Interference Channels,
IFIP Networking
Song Li, Sanam Moghaddamnia and Jürgen Peissig
Impact of Doppler Effect, Echo and Reverberation on the Externalization and Plausibility of Binaural Rendered Moving Sound Sources Presented via Headphones,
Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA Aachen, 2016.
Torsten Lorenzen
Performance Analysis of the Functional Interaction of Awareness Control and DCC in VANETs,
Torsten Lorenzen
Experimental Analysis of the Channel Busy Time in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks,
Torsten Lorenzen, Mehdi Tavakoli Garrosi
Achieving Global Fairness at Urban Intersections using Cooperative DSRC Congestion Control,
ACM MobiCom (CarSys’16)
Z. Cao, A. Abujoda, and P. Papadimitriou
Distributed Data Deluge (D3): Efficient State Management for Virtualized Network Functions,
Zdravko Bozakov, Amr Rizk, D. Bhat, and Michael Zink
Measurement-based Flow Characterization in Centrally Controlled Networks,
Ahmed Abujoda, Panagiotis Papadimitriou
MIDAS: Middlebox Discovery and Selection for On-Path Flow Processing,
Ahmed Abujoda, Panagiotis Papadimitriou
Invariant Preserving Middlebox Traversal,
WWIC 2015
Amr Rizk, Markus Fidler
"Queue-aware Uplink Scheduling: Analysis, Implementation, and Evaluation",
Proc. IFIP Networking 2015
Christoph König and M. D. Perez Guirao
A Cognitive Engine Architecture for Professional Wireless Microphone Systems,
In Proc. of the International Computing and Networking Conference (ICNC 2015), Anaheim, Februar 2015.
Christoph König, Tobias Linde, and M. D. Perez Guirao
Dynamic Frequency Allocation for Professional Wireless Microphone Systems,
In Proc. of the IEEE 12th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2015), Las Vegas, Januar 2015.
Chung Le, Martin Fuhrwerk, Malte Schellmann and Jürgen Peissig
Faster than Nyquist-An enabler for achieving maximum spectral efficiency in coexistence scenarios?,
The 2015 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015)
D. Dietrich, A. Abujoda, P. Papadimitriou
Network Service Embedding Across Multiple Providers with Nestor,
Proc. IFIP Networking 2015, Toulouse, France
Hugues Tchouankem and Torsten Lorenzen
"Measurement-based Evaluation of Interference in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks at Urban Intersections",
In Proc. of the 1st IEEE ICC Workshop on Dependable Vehicular Communications (DVC 2015), London, June 2015.
Hugues Tchouankem, Tetiana Zinchenko and Henrik Schumacher
"Impact of Buildings on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication at Urban Intersections",
In Proc. of the IEEE 12th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2015), Las Vegas, Januar 2015.
J. Conte Alcaraz, S. Moghaddamnia and J. Peissig
An Android-based Application for Digital Gait Performance Analysis and Rehabilitation,
17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (IEEE HealthCom 2015), 14-17 October 2015
Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig and Malte Schellmann
On the Design of an FBMC Based Air Interface Enabling Channel Adaptive Pulse Shaping Per Sub-Band,
Marwan Hammouda, Sami Akin, and Jürgen Peissig
Effective Capacity in Multiple Access Channels with Arbitrary Inputs
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Marwan Hammouda, Sami Akin, and Jürgen Peissig
Performance Analysis of Energy-Detection-Based Massive SIMO,
IEEE 3rd International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom) 2015
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Matthias Ueberheide, Felix Klose, Tilak Varisetty, Markus Fidler and Marcus Magnor
Web-based Interactive Free-Viewpoint Streaming: A framework for high quality interactive free viewpoint navigation
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Nico Becker, Markus Fidler
"A Non-stationary Service Curve Model for Performance Analysis of Transient Phases",
27th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 27),
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Sami Akin and Markus Fidler
Backlog and Delay Reasoning in HARQ Systems,
27th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 27) 2015
More info
Torsten Lorenzen and Hugues Tchouankem
"Evaluation of an Awareness Control Algorithm for VANETs based on ETSI EN 302 637-2 V1.3.2",
In Proc. of the 1st IEEE ICC Workshop on Dependable Vehicular Communications (DVC 2015), London, June 2015.
Zhen Cao, Jürgen Fitschen, Panagiotis Papadimitriou
Social Wi-Fi: Hotspot Sharing with Online Friends,
Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC'15
Zhen Cao, Jürgen Fitschen, Panagiotis Papadimitriou
FreeSurf: Application-Centric Wireless Access with SDN,
Proceedings of ACM Sigcomm'15
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Zhen Cao, Panagiotis Papadimitriou
Collaborative Content Caching in Wireless Edge with SDN,
ACM Workshop on Content Caching and Delivery in Wireless Networks (CCDWN) co-located with CoNEXT'15
Ahmed Abujoda, Panagiotis Papadimitriou
Software-Defined Crowd-Shared Wireless Mesh Networks
Christoph König, M.D. Perez Guirao, and Ralf Lübben
Distributed Indoor Spectrum Occupancy Measurements in the UHF TV Band,
In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC 2014), Sydney, Juni 2014.
Chung Le, Malte Schellmann, Martin Fuhrwerk and Jürgen Peissig
On the Practical Benefits of Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling,,
International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC'14), 15–17 October 2014
Chung Le, Sanam Moghaddamnia and Jürgen Peissig
An Adaptive Transmission scheme for multiuser MIMO Broadcast Channel in Cognitive Radio,,
IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications WiMob’2014, 8-10 October 2014
David Dietrich, Panagiotis Papadimitriou
Policy-compliant virtual network embedding ,
Proc. IFIP Networking 2014
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Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig und Malte Schellmann
Channel Adaptive Pulse Shaping for OQAM-OFDM Systems
Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig und Malte Schellmann
Performance comparison of CP-OFDM and OQAM-OFDM systems based on LTE parameters
Marwan Hammouda, Sami Akin, and Jürgen Peissig
Effective Capacity in Cognitive Radio Broadcast Channels,
IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom) 2014
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Michael Bredel, Zdravko Bozakov, Artur Barczyk, Harvey Newman.
Flow-based load balancing in multipathed layer-2 networks using OpenFlow and multipath-TCP,,
In Proc. of HotSDN 2014 (Poster), 2014 Chicago
Nico Becker, Amr Rizk, Markus Fidler
A Measurement Study on the Application-level Performance of LTE,,
In Proc. of IFIP Networking 2014, Trondheim, Norway
S. Moghaddamnia, J. Peissig, G. Schmitz and A.O. Effenberg
On the Efficiency of an Autonomous Cyclic Motion Grading System,,
Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP2014), June 29 – July 2 2014
Sami Akin
Security in Cognitive Radio Networks
IEEE 48th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS) 2014
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Tetiana Zinchenko, Hugues Tchouankem and Lars Wolf
"Reliability of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication at Urban Intersections",
In Proc. 7th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Nets4Cars-2014). October 06-08, 2014. Best Paper Award
Zdravko Bozakov and Panagiotis Papadimitriou
Towards a scalable software-defined network virtualization platform,,
In Proc. of NOMS 2014, May 2014, Krakow
A. Abujoda and P. Papadimitriou
Profiling Packet Processing Workloads on Commodity Servers
A. Sathiaseelan, C. Rotsos, C.S. Sriram, D. Trossen, P. Papadimitriou, and J. Crowcroft
Virtual Public Networks
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Amr Rizk, Zdravko Bozakov and Markus Fidler
Estimating Traffic Correlations from Sampling and Active Network Probing,
In Proc. of IFIP Networking 2013, New York, USA
C. Thein, M. Fuhrwerk, J. Peissig
Frequency-Domain Processing for Synchronization
and Channel Estimation in OQAM-OFDM Systems
C. Thein, M. Fuhrwerk, J. Peissig
Practical Evaluation of NC-OFDM System
Designs in Dynamic Spectrum Access
with Narrow-Band Interference
C.Thein, M. Fuhrwerk, J. Peissig
About the Use of Different Processing Domains for
Synchronization in Non-Contiguous FBMC Systems
Christoph König, Michael Bredel, and M.D.Perez-Guirao
Spectrum-Aware Frequency Planning for Professional Wireless Microphone Systems,
IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, Februar 2013
D. Dietrich, A. Rizk, and P. Papadimitriou
Multi-Domain Virtual Network Embedding with Limited Information Disclosure,
In Proc. of IFIP Networking 2013, New York, USA
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D. Dietrich, A. Rizk, and P. Papadimitriou
AutoEmbed: Automated Multi-Provider Virtual Network Embedding, Demo,
ACM SIGCOMM, August 2013
Henrik Schumacher and Hugues Tchouankem
"Highway Propagation Modeling in VANETs and Its Impact on Performance Evaluation". In Proc. 10th Annual IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2013). Banff, Canada. March 18-20, 2013. pp. 16–26
Hugues Tchouankem, Tetiana Zinchenko, Henrik Schumacher and Lars Wolf
"Effects of Vegetation on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Performance at Intersections". In Proc. 78th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2013-Fall). Las Vegas, USA, September 2013.
Jerome Härri, Hugues Tchouankem, Oliver Klemp and Oleksandr Demchenko
"Impact of Vehicular Integration Effects on the Performance of DSRC Communications". In Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013). Shangai, China. April 7-10, 2013. pp. 1679–1684.
M. Fuhrwerk, C. Thein and J. Peissig
Audio Quality Measurements for Wireless Microphones in Spectrum Pooling Scenarios
S. Moghaddamnia, J. Peissig, A.O. Effenberg
Use of Commercial Mobile Platforms and Human Auditory System for Sonification of Gait Disorders,,
International Conference on Multisensory Motor Behavior: Impact of Sound, Sept. 30 - Oct. 01 2013
More info
Sanam Moghaddamnia, Jürgen Peissig, Gerd Schmitz and Alfred Effenberg
A simplified approach for autonomous quality assessment of cyclic movements,,
18th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2013), 1-3 July 2013
Tetiana Zinchenko, Hugues Tchouankem, Lars Wolf and André Leschke
"Reliability Analysis of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Applications based on Real World Measurements". In Proc. of the Tenth ACM International Workshop on
VehiculAr Inter-NETworking, Systems, and Applications (ACM VANET 2013). Taipei, Taiwan. June 25th - 28th 2013.
Z. Bozakov and P. Papadimitriou
OpenVRoute: An Open Architecture for High-Performance Programmable Virtual Routers
Zdravko Bozakov and Amr Rizk
Taming SDN Controllers in Heterogeneous Hardware Environments,
2nd IEEE European Workshop on Software-Defined Networks (EWSDN), October 2013
Anggia Anggraini, Jürgen Peissig, Thomas Kaiser
Virtual MIMO in WiMAX Relay System,
International Symposium on Signal, Systems and Electronics, (ISSSE 2012), Potsdam, Germany
Anggia Anggraini, Thi Chung Le, Jürgen Peissig, Thomas Kaiser
MIMO Multi-User Relay System,
International Symposium on Signal, Systems and Electronics, (ISSSE 2012), Potsdam, Germany
Christoph Thein, Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig
Opportunistic Spectrum Access in TVWS: A Comparative Coexistence Study for LTE
Christoph Thein, Martin Fuhrwerk, Jürgen Peissig
CFO Estimation Algorithm for OQAM-OFDM Systems Based on the Conjugate Symmetry Property
Chung Le, Emil Dimitrov, Anggia Anggraini, Jürgen Peissig, Hans-Peter Kuchenbecker
Effect of Spatial Correlation on MMSE-Based Interference Alignment in a Multiuser MIMO MB-OFDM System,
8th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, (WiMob 2012), Barcelona, Spain
Friederike Maier, Andrej Tissen, Albert Waal
Evaluations and Measurements of a Single Frequency Network with DRM+
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Friederike Maier, Andrej Tissen, Albert Waal
Evaluations and Measurements of a Transmitter Delay Diversity System for DRM+
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Friederike Maier, Jürgen Peissig, Albert Waal, Stefan Galler
Simulations and Measurements of a Receiver Diversity System for DRM+
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H. Cao, J. P. Miranda, J. Peissig
Enhanced Spectrum Awareness with Extended Information Carried on Embedded Cyclostationary Signatures for Cognitive Radio.,
IEEE Globecom 2012
H.Cao, J. Peissig
Practical spectrum sensing with frequency-domain processing in cognitive radio. ,
Hanwen Cao, Friederike Maier, Andreas Wilzeck and Thomas Kaiser
DSSS Differential GMSK with Space-Time Modulation for Robust Mobile Data Links,
Accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2011 (WCNC 2012)
Henrik Schumacher, Hugues Tchouankem, Jörg Nuckelt et al.
"Vehicle-to-Vehicle IEEE 802.11p Performance
Measurements at Urban Intersections",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC) 2012 - Workshop on Intelligent Vehicular Networking (WIVN), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 7131–7135
More info
Hugues Tchouankem, Henrik Schumacher and Daniel Schmidt
"Impact of Vehicular Communication Performance on Travel Time Estimation in Urban Areas",
6th International Symposium "Networks for Mobility 2012", Stuttgart, September 27-28, 2012
More info
Mustafa Cenk Gursoy, Gozde Ozcan, and Sami Akin
Achievable Rates and Energy Efficiency in Cognitive Radio Channels with Sensing Errors (Invited Paper),
1st IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) 2012
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P. Papadimitriou, I. Houidi, W. Louati, D. Zeghlache, C. Werle, R. Bless, and L. Mathy
Towards Large-Scale Network Virtualization (Best Paper Award)
Ralf Lübben, Markus Fidler
On the Delay Performance of Block Codes for Discrete Memoryless Channels with Feedback
Ralf Lübben, Markus Fidler
Non-equilibrium Information Envelopes and the Capacity-Delay-Error-Tradeoff of Source Coding
Zdravko Bozakov, Panagiotis Papadimitriou
AutoSlice: Automated and Scalable Slicing for Software-Defined Networks
More info
Amr Rizk and Markus Fidler
"Leveraging Statistical Multiplexing Gains in Single and Multi-hop Networks",
In Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IEEE IWQoS) 2011, San Jose, USA
Andreas Wilzeck, Emil Dimitrov, and Andrej Tissen
Applications of Cognitive Radio Systems
for Industrial Wireless Automation
C. Werle, P. Papadimitriou, I. Houidi, W. Louati, D. Zeghlache, R. Bless, and L. Mathy
Building Virtual Networks Across Multiple Domains
Chung Le, Emil Dimitrov, Sanam Moghaddamnia, and Thomas Kaiser
Performance Investigation of MMSE-Based Interference Alignment for Multiuser MIMO UWB,
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2011), 14-16 September 2011
Emil Dimitrov, Claus Kupferschmidt, Thomas Kaiser, Juha Korpi, Risto Nordman, Antti Anttonen, Andrea Giorgetti, Marco Chiani
"Design and Implementation of Advanced Algorithms for MIMO-UWB Wireless Communications",
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2011), 14-16 September 2011, Bologna, Italy
Hanwen Cao, Zhao Zhao, Weitao Ni, Mohamed El-Hadidy, Thomas Kaiser
Measurement and Ray-tracing of Wideband Indoor Channel in UHF TV White Space,
in Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management (CogArt 2011), Barcelona, Spain, 26~29, Oct. 2011
Jan Fabian Ehmke, Maksims Fiosins, Jana Görmer, Daniel Schmidt , Henrik Schumacher and Hugues N. Tchouankem
"Decision Support for Dynamic City Traffic
Management using Vehicular Communication",
In Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2011), July 2011, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
João Paulo Miranda, Hugues N. Tchouankem, Jacek Kibiłda and Luiz A. DaSilva
"Return path for interactive TV using white spaces: A novel application for 802.22 WRAN",
IEEE Wireless Advanced (WiAd), June 2011, London, United Kingdom
João Paulo Miranda, Jacek Kibiłda, and Luiz A. DaSilva
"Semi-blind Channel Monitoring Mechanisms for Post-switchover Wireless Microphones",
IEEE Global Communications Conference, Exhibition and Industry Forum (Globecom), December 2011, Houston, USA
Kashif Mahmood, Amr Rizk and Yuming Jiang
"On the Flow-Level Delay of a Spatial Multiplexing MIMO Wireless Channel",
IEEE ICC Communications QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium, 2011, Kyoto, Japan
Kim Bartke-Minack, Maria Dolores Pérez Guirao
"On Perceived Throughput and Delay Fairness of a Distributed Reservation Protocol",
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2011, Cancún, Mexiko
Kin Lien Chee, Anggia Anggraini, Thomas Kaiser, Thomas Kürner
Outdoor-to-Indoor Propagation Loss Measurements for Broadband Wireless Access in Rural Areas,
(EuCAP 2011), Rome, Italy
Martin Fuhrwerk, Christoph Thein and Lars Häring
Performance Comparison of CP-OFDM and OQAM-OFDM Based WiFi Systems,
Proceedings of the 16th International OFDM-Workshop
Ralf Lübben and Markus Fidler
On the Capacity-Delay-Error-Tradeoff of Source Coding,
IFIP Performance, Poster, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 2011
Ralf Lübben, Markus Fidler and Jörg Liebeherr
"A Foundation for Stochastic Bandwidth Estimation of Networks with Random Service",,
In Proc. of the 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM) 2011, Shanghai, China
V. Nguyen, Q.K. Dinh, M.H. Nguyen, V.T. Pham, C. Kupferschmidt, T. Kaiser, T.V.B. Giang, and T. Nguyen
"A synchronization method for implementing an OFDM system based on the TMS320C6416 DSP",
ICUIMC 2011, February 21-23, 2011, Seoul, Korea
Z. Zhao, C. Thein, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
Analysis of the Influence of OFDM Sidelobe Interference on Femto Rich Systems,
Proceedings of IEEE WiOpt'11 Workshop on Indoor/Outdoor Femtocell, May 2011, Princeton, US
Z. Zhao, F. Zheng, A. Wilzeck, and T. Kaiser
Femtocell Spectrum Access Underlaid in Fractional Frequency Reused Macrocell,
Proceedings of IEEE ICC'11 Workshop on Heterogeneous Networks (ICC-HetN), June 2011, Kyoto, Japan
Z. Zhao, M. Schellmann, and E. Schulz
Interference Study for Cognitive LTE-Femtocell to Opportunistically Access TVWS,
(ITU-WT11) Technical Symposium at ITU Telecom World 2011, Geneva, Switzerland
Zdravko Bozakov
Architecture and Algorithms for Virtual Routers as a Service,
In Proc. of the International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS) 2011, San Jose, USA, June 6-7 2011
Zdravko Bozakov
"Architecture and Algorithms for Virtual Routers as a Service",
In Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IEEE IWQoS) 2011, San Jose, USA
Hanwen Cao, Christoph Koenig, Andereas Wilzeck, María Dolores Pérez Guirao
Cognitive Agile Networking Testbed,
IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS2010), New Orleans, USA, 10-14 Jan, 2010
A. Awada, M. Joham, W. Utschick, S Goldyrjew, W. Mulder, and T. Kaiser
A Sorted Parallel Detector for Coded MIMO Systems
Ahmed Abujoda
Network Measurement in Virtualized Networks and its challenges
Amina Ayadi-Miessen, Claus Kupferschmidt, Thi Chung Le, Hans-Peter Kuchenbecker, Thomas Kaiser
"Investigation of Doppler Effect in UWB-Based Rotor-Telemetry System",
International Conferences on Advanced Technologies for Communications, (ATC 2010), 20-22 October, 2010, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Amina Ayadi–Miessen, Claus Kupferschmidt, Hans-Peter Kuchenbecker, Thomas Kaiser
"Compensation techniques for Doppler Effect in UWB-Based Rotor-Telemetry System",
Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation (MECAP 2010), 20-22 October 2010, Cairo, Egypt
Amina Ayadi–Miessen, Zhao Zhao, Claus Kupferschmidt, Hans-Peter Kuchenbecker, Thomas Kaiser
"Method of Doppler Estimation for IR-UWB-System Based on the Rake-Receiver",
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2010), September 20-23, 2010, Nanjing, China
Amr Rizk and Markus Fidler
"Statistical End-to-end Performance Bounds for Networks under Long Memory FBM Cross Traffic",,
In Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IEEE IWQoS), June 2010, Beijing, China
Amr Rizk and Markus Fidler
"Sample Path Bounds for Long Memory FBM Traffic",,
In Proc. of the 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM MC) 2010, San Diego, USA
B. Tau Sieskul, C. Kupferschmidt, and T. Kaiser
"A correlated Gaussian spatial distribution",
in 1st Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation (MECAP 2010), Cairo, Egypt, October 20-22, 2010, accepted for presentation.
B. Tau Sieskul, C. Kupferschmidt, and T. Kaiser
"Spatial fading correlation for semicircular
scattering: Angular spread and spatial
frequency approximations",
in Proc. 3rd International Conference on Communications and Electronics 2010 (ICCE 2010), Nha Trang, Vietnam, August 11-13, 2010, pp. 216-221.
| File |
C. Skupin and T. Kaiser
Adaptive Channel Estimation for VANets
C. T. Le, S. Moghaddamnia, C. Kupferschmidt, and T. Kaiser
Performance evaluation of blind source separation algorithm based on source signal statistic and convolutive mixtures.,
3rd Int. Conf. Communications and Electronics (ICCE 2010), 11-13 August 2010
Christoph Thein, Hanwen Cao, and Andreas Wilzeck
"Setup and Characterization of a Flexible Low-Cost 2×2 MIMO Testbed Based on USRP2", In Proc. of the 6th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radio (WSR2010), March 3-4 2010,Karlsruhe, Germany
Christoph Thein, Kin Lien Chee, Anggia Anggraini, and Thomas Kaiser
"Throughput Coverage Simulations Based on Signal Level Measurements at 825 MHz and 3535 MHz", In Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS'2010), Dec 10 - 13 2010, Gold Coast, Australia
David Dietrich
On-demand Bandwidth Scaling using Redundant Routers
De Nardis, L. and Guirao, M.-D.P.
Mobility-aware design of cognitive radio networks: Challenges and opportunities
Duy Ngoc Pham, Van Lang University, Vietnam,
Van Duc Nguyen, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam,
Van Tien Pham, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam,
Ngoc Tuan Nguyen, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam,
Xuan Bac Do, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam,
Claus Kupferschmidt, Leibniz University of Hannover,
Thomas Kaiser, Leibniz University of Hannover
An Expending Ring Search Algorithm for Mobile Adhoc Networks,
International Conferences on Advanced Technologies for Communications, (ATC 2010), 20-22 October, 2010, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Friederike Maier, Andrej Tissen, Albert Waal
Evaluation of the Channel Properties for a DRM+ System and Field Tests in the
VHF-Band III (174-230 MHz), Best Papers Award ICWMC 2010,
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, Valencia
| File |
Golaleh Rahmatollahi and Giuseppe Abreu
Policy-dependent multi-hop distances in linear ad hoc networks,
presented at 7th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication - WPNC'10, Dresden, 2010
Golaleh Rahmatollahi and Giuseppe Abreu
Routing Policy-dependent Hop Count Distribution in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
accepted at IEEE 44th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 7-10th November, Pacific Grove, California, 2010
Hanwen Cao, Souhir Daoud and Andreas Wilzeck
Practical Issues in Spectrum Sensing for Multi-Carrier System Employing Pilot Tones,
In Proc. of the 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management (CogArt 2010)
Holger Thye, Heyno Garbe, Sebastian Sczyslo, Gunnar Armbrecht, Sven Dortmund, and Michael Koch
"Nutzung von GTEM-Zellen zur transienten Charakterisierung von UWB-Antennen",
Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV 2010), Düsseldorf, Germany, 9-11 Mar, 2010
K. Maichalernnukul, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
"UWB MIMO Cooperative Relay Systems:
BER Analysis and Relay Regions,",
in Proc. 44th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton University, NJ, USA, 17-19 March 2010.
K. Maichalernnukul, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
"Dual-Hop UWB Transmissions Using a Multiple-Antenna Relay with
Antenna Selection versus Single-Antenna Relay Selection,",
in Proc. International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC), Siegen, Germany, 18-21 January 2010.
K. Maichalernnukul, T. K. Nguyen, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
“Performance of UWB MIMO Relay Systems in Real UWB Channels,”
L. Hu, T. Kaiser, C. Kupferschmidt, H. Nguyen, J. Huang
A Study of the Key Technology of IEEE802.11p -2010,
2010 Int. Conf. Signal and Information Processing, pp.568-573, Changsha, China, 14-15 Dec. 2010
M. D. Pérez Guirao, W. Bilz, E. Reihl, R. Circa, A. Schmidt, G. Fischer
Cognitive Systems for the Professional Audio Industry: a Step Forward. ,
Proceeding of the 6th Karlsruhe Workhop on Software Radios, WSR 2010
M. D. Pérez Guirao, W. Bilz, E. Reihl, R. Circa, A. Schmidt, G. Fischer
Cognitive Systems for the Professional Audio Industry: a Step Forward
M. I. Valera Martínez, B. Tau Sieskul, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
"A hybrid SS-ToA wireless geolocation based on path attenuation under imperfect path loss exponent",
in Proc. 18th European Signal Processing Conference 2010 (EUSIPCO 2010), Aalborg, Denmark, August 23-27, 2010, pp. 681-685.
| File |
Michael Bredel and Markus Fidler
A Measurement Study regarding Quality of Service and its Impact on Multiplayer Online Games,
In Proc. of the Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames) 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2010
Michael Bredel, Zdravko Bozakov, and Yuming Jiang
Analysing Router Performance Using Network Calculus with External Measurements.,
In Proc. of the International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS) 2010, Beijing, China, June 2010
S. Moghaddamnia, C. T. Le, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
“A new channel estimation scheme based on second order statistics for mud pulse telemetry applications”,
3rd Int. Conf. Communications and Electronics (ICCE 2010), 11-13 August 2010
Sebastian Sczyslo, Gunnar Armbrecht, Holger Thye, Sven Dortmund, and Thomas Kaiser
"Comparison of the two-antenna method and the GTEM method to measure the impulse response of a cone antenna",
10th Management Committee Meeting COST 2100, Athens, Greece, 3-5 Feb, 2010
Sebastian Sczyslo, Gunnar Armbrecht, Holger Thye, Sven Dortmund, Thomas Kaiser
"On the determination of the impulse response of ultra-wideband antennas",
Sondos Alaa, Mohamed El Hadidy, Claus Kupferschmidt, Thomas Kaiser
Frequency Dependence of the UWB Indoor Channel and the Effects of the Antenna Diversity on Path Loss and Multipath Propagation,
1st Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 20-22 October 2010 in Cairo, Egypt
T. K. Nguyen, H. Nguyen, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
Spatial Correlation in SM-MIMO-UWB Systems Using the Pre-Equalizer-Filter
T. K. Nguyen, H. Nguyen, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
"Spatial correlation in the broadcast MU-MIMO UWB system using a pre-equalizer and time reversal pre-filter,"
Waldemar Gerok, Thomas Kaiser
Indoor Localization with Closely Spaced Vivaldi Antennas in Ultra-Wideband ,
Fifth International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT), 2010
Waldemar Gerok, Thomas Kaiser
A novel positioning algorithm based on Ultra-Wideband technology.,
Position Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), 2010 IEEE/ION
Zdravko Bozakov
"Towards Virtual Routers as a Service",,
6th GI/ITG KuVS Workshop on Future Internet, Hannover, November 2010
Zdravko Bozakov
"Service Characterization for Virtual Routers",
Zdravko Bozakov
"Virtual Software Routers: A Performance and Migration Study",
3. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien, Konstanz, Mai 2010
Zdravko Bozakov
"An Open Router Virtualization Framework using a
Programmable Forwarding Plane", ,
In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM 2010, New Delhi, India
Amina Ayadi-Miessen, Claus Kupferschmidt and Thomas Kaiser
"Impact of Doppler on UWB-Based Rotor-Telemetry Signal",,
Proc. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2009), Vancouver, Canada, September 9-11, 2009, pp. 501-505
B. Tau Sieskul, C. Kupferschmidt, and T. Kaiser
"Algebraic inequalities for MIMO-UWB with antenna element time delays: Uncorrelated fading",
in Proc. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2009), Vancouver, Canada, September 9-11, 2009, pp. 798-803.
| File |
B. Tau Sieskul, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
"A hybrid SS-ToA wireless NLoS geolocation based on path attenuation: Mobile position estimation",
in Proc. 2009 IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC 2009), Budapest, Hungary, April 5-8, 2009, pp. 1-6.
| File |
B. Tau Sieskul, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
"Time-of-arrival estimation in path attenuation",
in Proc. 10th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2009), Perugia, Italy, June 21-24, 2009, pp. 573-577.
| File |
B. Tau Sieskul, T. Kaiser, and F. Zheng
"A hybrid SS-ToA wireless NLoS geolocation based on path attenuation: Cramér-Rao bound",
in Proc. 2009 IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2009-Spring), Barcelona, Spain, April 26-29, 2009, pp. 1-5.
| File |
Claus Kupferschmidt, Emil Dimitrov, Thomas Kaiser
Multiple Antenna UWB Systems WP3 of the EUWB-Project,
The 2009 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, Hai Phong, Vietnam, 12-14 October 2009
Claus Kupferschmidt, Emil Dimitrov, Thomas Kaiser, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
"Multiple Antenna UWB Systems WP3 of the EUWB-Project",
The 2009 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications, Hai Phong, Vietnam, 12-14 October 2009
F. Maier, A. Waal, A. Tissen
Evaluation of Soft Delay Diversity for the Digital Broadcast-System DRM+,,
The 11th international Conference on Digital Signal Processing and its Applications, Moscow 2009
F. Maier, I. Peña*, P. Angueira*, A. Tissen, A. Waal
DRM for Local Coverage in the 11 m band – Predictions and
10th Workshop Digital Broadcasting, Proceedimgs
| File |
Golaleh Rahmatollahi, Pedro Nardelli and Giuseppe Abreu
Aggregate information efficiency in IR-UWB ad-hoc single-hop WSN’s,
presented at 6th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication - WPNC'10, Hannover, 2009
H. Nguyen, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
Antenna Selection for Time Reversal MIMO UWB systems,,
Proc. IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference (Spring), Barcelona, Spain, 26-29 April
Hanwen Cao, Qipeng Cai, João Paulo Miranda and Thomas Kaiser
Cyclostationary Multitone Beacon Signal for Opportunistic Spectrum Access,
In Proc. of the 6th International ICST Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM 2009)
Henrik Schumacher, Christian Priemer and Eric Slottke
"A Simulation Study of Traffic Efficiency Improvement Based on Car-to-X Communication",,
Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Workshop on VehiculAr Inter-NETworking (VANET) 2009, Beijing, China, September 2009
Henrik Schumacher, Moritz Schack and Thomas Kürner
"Coupling of Simulators for the Investigation of Car-to-X Communication Aspects",,
accepted for presentation at the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Vehicular Networking (VON-09) in conjunction with 2009 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2009), Biopolis, Singapore, December 2009
Henrik Schumacher, Moritz Schack and Thomas Kürner
"Coupling of Simulators for the Investigation of Car-to-X Communication Aspects",,
TD(09)773, 7th COST2100 Management Committee Meeting, Braunschweig, Germany, February 2009
Hieu Nguyen, Trung Kien Nguyen, Feng Zheng, Claus Kupferschmidt, Thomas Kaiser
Signal Design to Mitigate the Impact of RF Impairment in OFDM Communication Systems,
The 20th Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium 2009 (PIMRC'09), Tokyo, Japan
| File |
Hieu Nguyen, Zhao Zhao
On the MSI Mitigation for MIMO UWB Time Reversal Systems,
Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB09), Vancouver, Canada
Holger Thye, Sebastian Sczyslo, Gunnar Armbrecht, Sven Dortmund, and Heyno Garbe
"Transient UWB Antenna Characterization in GTEM Cells",,
IEEE EMC Society Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Austin, USA, 17-21 Aug, 2009
K. Maichalernnukul, T. Kaiser, and F. Zheng
"Performance Investigation of a UWB Relay System using Multiple Relays with Multiple Antennas in IEEE 802.15.3a Channel,",
in Proc. IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Barcelona, Spain, 26-29 April 2009.
K. Maichalernnukul, T. Kaiser, and F. Zheng
“Performance of Dual-Hop MIMO Ultra-Wideband Transmissions: Preliminary Results,”,
in Proc. 43rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), John Hopkins University, MD, USA, 18-20 March 2009.
Michael Bredel and Markus Fidler
"Understanding Fairness and its Impact On Quality of Service in IEEE 802.11",,
In Proc. of the 28th Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009
Michael Bredel and Martin Bergner
"On The Accuracy of IEEE 802.11g Wireless LAN Simulations Using OMNeT++",
In Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on OMNeT++ 2009, Rome, Italy, April 2009
Qipeng Cai, Zhao Zhao, Hanwen Cao, Andreas Wilzeck and Thomas Kaiser
A Distributed Simulation Engine For Cooperative Multi-User MIMO Enhanced Wireless Communications,,
17th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 2009, Glasgow, Scotland
, 2009
Sebastian Sczyslo, and Thomas Kaiser
"Evaluation of Localization Measurements in LoS and NLoS Scenarios Using Antenna Arrays",
39th European Microwave Conference 2009 (EuMC 2009), Rome, Italy, 29 Sep - 1 Oct, 2009
Sebastian Sczyslo, Christiane Senger, and Thomas Kaiser
"A 2-Dimensional Filter for UWB-Localization in NLoS Scenarios using BeamLoc",
6th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2009 (WPNC 2009), Hannover, Germany, 19 Mar, 2009
Sebastian Sczyslo, Holger Thye, Gunnar Armbrecht, Sven Dortmund, and Thomas Kaiser
"Determination of the Impulse Response of UWB Antennas Using GTEM Cells",
2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2009), Vancouver, Canada, 9-11 Sep, 2009
T. Kaiser, M.D. Pérez-Guirao, and A. Wilzeck
Cognitive Radio & Networks in the Perspective of Industrial Wireless Communications (invited),,
Aalborg Congress and Culture Centre, Aalborg, Denmark
, 2009
2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Radio & Advanced Spectrum Management (CogART 2009) within Wireless VITAE 2009, May 18-19, 2009
Trung Kien Nguyen, Thanh Hieu Nguyen and Thomas Kaiser
CMI and IFI Mitigation for TH-PPM Ultra Wideband Systems with a Low Complexity Receiver
Waldemar Gerok, Simon Rüsche, Peter Unger
Hybrid Broadband Access with IEEE 802.16e: An Economic Approach for Rural Areas.,
Mobile WiMAX Symposium, 2009. MWS '09. IEEE
Waldemar Gerok, Steffan Galler, Thomas Kaiser
A novel approach to the mirroring problem in localization ,
Ultra-Wideband, 2009. ICUWB 2009. IEEE International Conference on
Zdravko Bozakov and Michael Bredel
"Online Estimation of Available Bandwidth and Fair Share using Kalman Filtering",,
In Proc. of the 8th International Conferences on Networking 2009, Aachen, Germany, May 2009
A.Tissen, F. Maier, A. Waal
Implementation and Evaluation of a DRM+ Diversity Transmitter,
9th Workshop on Digital Broadcasting, Erlangen 2008
Amina Ayadi-Miessen, Claus Kupferschmidt and Thomas Kaiser
A Method of Channel Measurement Based on MB-OFDM Signal,
The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, ICUWB 2008, Hannover, September 10-12
Amr Rizk and Markus Fidler
On the Identifiability of Link Service Curves from End-Host Measurements,,
Network Control and Optimization NETCOOP, Paris, France, September 8-10, 2008.
B. Tau Sieskul, F. Zheng, and T. Kaiser
A hybrid SS-ToA wireless NLoS geolocation based on path attenuation: Least squares, weigthted least squares and maximum likelihood,
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2009), Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 2009, accepted for presentation
Claus Kupferschmidt, Emil Dimitrov and Thomas Kaiser
Multiple Antenna UWB Systems - WP3 of the EUWB Project,
Invited Session, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, ICUWB 2008, Hannover, Sept 10-12
Emil Dimitrov and Thomas Kaiser
Advanced MIMO VHDR MB-OFDM Approaches,
2008 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, ICUWB 2008, Sept 10-12
F. Zheng and J. Nelson
Adaptive Design for the Packet Length of IEEE 802.11n Networks,
2008 IEEE Intern. Conf. Communications (ICC 2008), 19-23 May
F. Zheng and J. Nelson
Cross-Layer Adaptive Design for the Frame Length of IEEE 802.11 Networks,
6th Intl. Symp. Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt'08), 31 March – 4 April
Golaleh Rahmatollahi, M.D. Pérez Guirao, Stefan Galler and Thomas Kaiser
Position Estimation in IR-UWB Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks,
presented at 5th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication - WPNC'08, Hannover, 2008
Jens B. Schmitt, Frank Zdarsky, and Markus Fidler
Delay Bounds under Arbitrary Multiplexing: When Network Calculus Leaves You in the Lurch...
K. Maichalernnukul, T. Kaiser, and F. Zheng
"Rake Fingers versus Multiple Antennas for UWB Relay Systems - Which one is better?,",
in Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), Hannover, Germany, 10-12 September 2008.
M. D. Pérez-Guirao, H.- Luediger, B. Kull
Link Adaption in Autonomous IR-UWB Networks,,
ICT-MobileSummit 2008,10-12 June 2008, Stockholm, Sweden
M. D. Pérez-Guirao, R. Luebben, T. Kaiser
Pulse Rate Adaptive Multiple-Access Scheme for Cognitive Autonomous IR-UWB Networks,,
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, ICUWB, Sept. 2008
M. D. Pérez-Guirao, R. Luebben, T. Kaiser
Evolutionary Game Theoretical Approach for IR-UWB Sensor Networks,
IEEE CoCoNet Workshop, collocated with IEEE ICC, Beijing, China, May 2008
M.-D. Pérez Guirao, H. Luediger, B. Kull
Link Adaptation for Autonomous IR-UWB Networks
M.-D. Pérez Guirao, R. Luebben, T. Kaiser
Pulse Rate Adaptive Multiple-Access Scheme for Cognitive Autonomous IR-UWB Networks
M.-D. Pérez Guirao, R. Luebben, T. Kaiser
Evolutionary Game Theoretical Approach for IR-UWB Sensor Networks
Michael Bredel and Markus Fidler
A Measurement Study of Bandwidth Estimation in IEEE 802.11g Wireless LANs using the DCF,,
LNCS 4982, pages 314-325
Mohamed El-Hadidy and Thomas Kaiser
UWB MIMO Signaling Schemes based on UWB Deterministic Channel Model,
CST Workshop of "State of the Art of 3D EM Field Simulation & Design Challenges", King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 27, December
Mohamed El-Hadidy and Thomas Kaiser
Realistic UWB MIMO Channel Model Considering Antennas Effects and Analogue Aspects,
CST Workshop of "3D EM Field Simulation for UWB Antennas and Wireless Technologies, Modeling and Design Challenges", Kuwait University, 30th of December
Mohamed El-HADIDY, Mohamed GAMAL EL DIN , Thomas KAISER
Investigation of the Mutual Coupling Effects on the Performance of UWB Multiple Antennas Systems Using Typical UWB Vivaldi Antennas
Mohamed El-Hadidy, Taleb Ould Mohamed, Feng Zheng and Thomas Kaiser
3D Hybrid EM Ray-tracing Deterministic UWB Channel Model, Simulations and Measurements
N. Tavangaran, A. Wilzeck, and T. Kaiser
MIMO SC-FDMA System Performance for Space Time / Frequency Coding and Spatial Multiplexing
Q. Cai, Z. Zhao, S. Sczyslo, A. Wilzeck, C. Senger, T. Kaiser
A Distributed Simulation System and its Application for 3GPP LTE Indoor Scenarios,
Proc. of the Third International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC 2008), Santorini, Greece, May 2008
S. Bali and K. Jobmann
Routing Protocols for Ultra-Wideband Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,
IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2008 (student paper / poster session), April 28 - 30
S. Bali, J. Steuer and K. Jobmann
Capacity of Ad Hoc Networks with Line Topology Based on UWB and WLAN Technologies,
Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS) 2008, April 24 - 26
| File |
Sebastian Sczyslo, Jens Schroeder, Stefan Galler, and Thomas Kaiser
"Hybrid localization using UWB and inertial sensors",
2008 IEEE Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2008), Hannover, Germany, 10-12 Sep, 2008
Simon F. Ruesche, Jan Steuer, and Klaus Jobmann
Increase of Efficiency in Wireless Train
Control Systems (ETCS Level 2) by the Use of Actual Packet-Oriented Transmission Concepts,
A. Anggraini, A. Waal, and T. Kaiser
Design and Implementation of a Real-Time OFDM-based System for VHF Radio (DRM+),
12th International OFDM Workshop 2007, Hamburg, Germany, August 29-30
A. Wilzeck, Q. Cai, M. Schiewer, and T. Kaiser
Effect of Multiple Carrier
Frequency Offsets in MIMO SC-FDMA Systems,
International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas 2007 (WSA 2007), Vienna, Austria, February 26-27
Ana L. Zapater Alemany
Implementation and Evaluation of the IEEE 802.16-2004 distributed Mesh Mode
B Lübben
Nachhaltige Bildung – Zielperspektive im IGIP Curriculum,
Ingenieurausbildung 14+. Wien
B. Lübben
Nachhaltige Ingenieurpädagogik – Bildungsansatz im IGIP-Curriculum,
Umweltpolitsiche Bildung und soziale Kompetenz. Scientific Report Nr. 4
B. Lübben
Nachhaltige Bildung im IGIP Curriculum,
Engineering, Pädagogik und elektronisches Lernen
B. Lübben
Nachhaltige Ingenieurpädagogik – Bildungsansatz im IGIP-Curriculum,
Umweltpolitsiche Bildung und soziale Kompetenz. Scientific Report Nr. 4
Claude Takenga, Kyandoghere Kyamakya
A Low-cost Fingerprint Positioning System in Cellular Networks,
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications and Networking (Chinacom2007), Shanghai, China,22-24. August 2007
Claude Takenga, Kyandoghere Kyamakya
Robust Positioning System based on Fingerprint Approach,
In Proceedings of the 5-th ACM International Workshop on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac),Crete-Island,Greece,October 22-26,2007
Claude Takenga, Tao Peng, Kyandoghere Kyamakya
Post-Processing of Fingerprint Localization using Kalman Filter and Map-matching Techniques,
In proceedings of the 9th IEEE international conference on advanced communication technology (ICACT-2007) in Seoul, Korea, pp.2029-2034,Febr.2007.
F. Berens, E. Dimitrov, T. Kaiser, A. Anttonen, A. Krause and A. Weir
An enhanced very high data rate UWB airinterface based on the WIMEDIA standard - An European View,
IEEE Int. Conf. on Ultra-Wideband, ICUWB 2007, Singapore, Sept 24-26
F. Berens, E. Dimitrov, T. Kaiser, A. Anttonen, A. Krause, and A. Weir
The PULSERS II view towards very high data rate OFDM based UWB systems,
16th IST Mobile and Wireless Comm. Summit, Budapest, 1-5 July
Foudhaili, H., Wolter, B., Reithmeier, E. and Peissig, J.
Feedback-Feedforward aktive Lärmkompensation für den Kopfhörer,
Proc. of DAGA2007, Stuttgart.
Gary W. Elko, Jens Meyer, Steven Backer, Jürgen Peissig
Electronic Pop Protection for Microphones,
2007 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio & Acoustics, Mohonk, New Paltz, NY.
H. Lüdiger, B. Kull, María D. Pérez-Guirao
An ultra-wideband approach towards autonomous radio control and positioning systems in manufacturing & logistic processes,
4th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC), Hannover, 22nd March 2007
J. Schroeder, S. Galler, C. Senger, and T. Kaiser
Positioning in Wireless Communications Systems – Localization with UWB Signals,
18th Wireless World Research Forum, Espoo, Finland, 2007
J. Schroeder, S. Galler, K. Kyamakya, and K. Jobmann
NLOS detection algorithms for Ultra-Wideband localization,
4th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC'07), Hannover, Germany, 2007
J. Schroeder, S. Galler, K. Kyamakya, and T. Kaiser
Three-dimensional indoor localization in Non Line of Sight UWB channels,
IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), Singapore, 2007
Jörg Liebeherr, Markus Fidler, Sharokh Valaee
A Min-Plus System Interpretation of Bandwidth Estimation
M. Dolores Perez Guirao, R. Luebben, T. Kaise, K. Jobmann
Cross-Layer MAC Design for IR-UWB Networks
M. Khalaf-Allah, K. Kyamakya
Accurate GPS-free Positioning of Mobile Units in Wireless Networks,
in Proc. European Navigation Conference (ENC-GNSS 07), Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 45-54, May 29 – Jun. 1
M. Khalaf-Allah, K. Kyamakya
Position Tracking and Global Localization of Mobile Terminals in Cellular Networks,
in Proc. 8th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2007), Helsinki, Finland, Jun. 17-20
| File |
M. Khalaf-Allah, K. Kyamakya
Tracking Mobile Terminals in Wireless Networks,
in Proc. 3rd International Conference on Waveform Diversity and Design (WDD 2007), Pisa, Italy, pp. 46-49, Jun. 4-8
| File |
María D. Pérez-Guirao, K. Jobmann
Cognitive Resource Access Scheme for IR-UWB Autonomous Networks,
4th Workshop in Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC), Hannover, 22nd March 2007
Markus Fidler, Yuan Lin, Peder J. Emstad, and Andrew Perkis
Efficient Smoothing of Robust VBR Video Traffic by Explicit Slice-based Mode Type Selection,
Q. Cai, A. Wilzeck, and T. Kaiser
Evaluation of Synchronization and Fractionally Spaced Equalization in a MIMO SC-FDE Test-Bed,
IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS 2007), Long Beach, CA, USA, January 9-11
Robert Mertens, Gerald Friedland, Marc Krüger
To See or Not To See: Layout Constraints, the Split-Attention Problem and their Implications for the Design of Web Lecture Interfaces.
S. Bali, J. Steuer and K. Jobmann
Performance of Three Routing Protocols in UWB Ad Hoc Network Deployed in an Industrial Application,
GLOBECOM'07: IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh and Sensor Networks, Nov 30
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S. Galler, W. Gerok, J. Schroeder, K. Kyamakya, and T. Kaiser
Combined AOA/TOA UWB localization,
International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2007. ISCIT '07, 17-19 Oct. 2007 Page(s):1049 - 1053
Sanam Moghaddamnia, M. Dolores Pérez Guirao, Zhao Zhao, Klaus Jobmann, Thomas Kaiser
Use of Side Information to Improve Energy Consumption in IR-UWB Wireless Sensor Networks,
International Workshop on Cross Layer Design, IWCLD '07, 20-21 Sept. 2007
T. Kaiser and M. El-Hadidy
"A Signal Processing Framework for MIMO UWB Channels with Real Antennas in Real Environments",
ICUWB 2007, Singapore 24-26 September 2007
Wolter, B., Peissig, J., Foudhaili, H. Reithmeier, E.
Combined Feedback and Adaptive Feedforward Active Noise Control in Headsets,
Proc. of Internoise 2007, Istanbul.
A. Heinrich and S. Feldmann
Capacity and Fairness Evaluation of IEEE 802.11-based Ad Hoc Networks with Multi-Hop Traffic,
IEEE GLOBECOM Technical Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, 27 November - 1 December 2006
A. Heinrich, S. Feldmann
Capacity of IEEE 802.11-based Ad Hoc Networks with Fairness Constraints,
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2006), Helsinki, 11-14 September 2006
A. Wilzeck and T. Kaiser
MIMO Single-Carrier Transmission Employing SVD-based Processing in the Frequency Domain,
DSP Workshop 2006 @ Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA, September 24-27, 2006.
A. Wilzeck and T. Kaiser
UWB – Chances and Limits (invited),
16th WWRF Meeting, Shanghai, China, April 26-28
A. Wilzeck, M. El-Hadidy, Q. Cai, M. Amelingmeyer, and T. Kaiser
MIMO Prototyping Test-bed with Off-The-Shelf Plug-in RF Hardware,
International ITG - IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas 2006 (WSA 2006), Ulm, Germany, March 13-14
A. Wilzeck, P. Pan, and T. Kaiser
Transmit and Receive Antenna Subset Selection for MIMO SC-FDE in Frequency Selective Channels,
EUSIPCO 2006, Florence, Italy, September 4-8
B. Lübben
Nachhaltige Bildung in der Ingenieurpädagogik,
In: Federco Flückiger, Robert Ruprecht, Tiia Rüütmann (Ed.): Engineering Education - The Priority for Global Development. Book of Abstracts and CD-ROM: Proceedings of the 35th International Engineering Education Symposium in Cooperation with IEEE / ASEE / SEFI. Tallinn: Technical University
B. Lübben, R. Dreher, J. Hoefele, G. Kammasch, H. B. Woyant, V. Ziroff-Gut
Das ingenieurpädagogische Curriculum der IGIP-Arbeitsgruppen, Josef Schlattmann (Hrsg),
Bedeutung der Ingenieurpädagogik. Wo stehen wir? Wohin wollen, wohin müssen wir?
C. Bruns, K. Jobmann
Evaluation of Server Performance in VANETs in Single-Hop Scenarios,
3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation, WIT 2006
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C. M. Takenga, K. Kyamakya
Location Fingerprinting in GSM Network and Impact of Data Pre-processing,
in proceedings of IEEE World Wireless Congress (WWC'06), San Francisco, USA, 23-25 May 2006
C. M. Takenga, K. Kyamakya
Pre-processing of Data in RSS Signature-Based Localization,
in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication(WPNC'06), pp.91-96, Hannover,Germany, 16 March 2006
C. M. Takenga, Quan Wen, K. Kyamakya
On the Accuracy improvement Issues in GSM Location Fingerprinting,
in Proceedings of the of IEEE 64th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC '06) , Montreal, Canada, 25-28 September 2006
Claude Takenga, Chen Xi, Kyandoghere Kyamakya
A Hybrid Neural Network-Data base Correlation Positioning in GSM Network,
in proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems (IEEE ICCS 2006), Singapore, 30 Oct-2Nov 2006
Claude Takenga, Chen Xi, Kyandoghere Kyamakya
Fusion of Neural Network positioning and Database Correlation in localizing a Mobile Terminal,
in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'06), Las Vegas, USA, 26-29 June 2006
G. Rahmatollahi, S. Galler, J. Schroeder, K. Kyamakya, and K. Jobmann
Propagation Delay Based Positioning Using IEEE 802.11b,
presented at 3rd Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication - WPNC'06, Hannover, 2006
J. Schroeder and S. Galler
Analysis of UWB localization errors,
Workshop on Short-Range Ultra-Wideband Radio Systems, Santa Monica, USA, 2006
J. Schroeder, S. Galler, K. Kyamakya, and K. Jobmann
Practical considerations of optimal three-dimensional indoor localization,
IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), Heidelberg, Germany, 2006
K. Bartke, M. D. Perez Guirao
Ultrabreitband-Medienzugriffsprotokolle für die Kommunikation im Fahrzeug,
VDE / ITG Diskussionssitzung, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany, 2006
M. Asvial, T. Kaiser and M. El-Hadidy
Cross-Layer Optimization of UWB-MIMO systems,
IASI Workshop, Duisburg, Germany, March 29, 2006.
M. El-Hadidy and T. Kaiser
Impact of Antenna Arrays on UWB MIMO Systems exploiting Spatial Multiplexing,
Workshop on Short-Range Ultra-Wideband Radio Systems, Santa Monica, California, USA, April 11-12, 2006.
M. El-Hadidy and T. Kaiser
Impact of UWB Antennas on a Spatial Communication Channel,
International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM 2006), Mykonos Island, Greece, June 8-10, 2006.
M. El-Hadidy, C. Senger and T. Kaiser
Impact of Antennas on UWB MIMO Spatial Channel Modeling,
UWB2006 Workshop am IMST, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany, November 6-9, 2006.
M. Khalaf-Allah, K. Kyamakya
Bayesian Mobile Location in Cellular Networks,
in Proc. 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2006), Florence, Italy, Sep. 4-8
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M. Khalaf-Allah, K. Kyamakya
Mobile Location in GSM Networks using Database Correlation with Bayesian Estimation,
in Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06), Pula-Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, pp. 289-293, June 26-29
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M. Khalaf-Allah, K. Kyamakya
Bayesian Filtering for Localization of Mobile Terminals,
in Proc. 6th International Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN2006), Berlin, Germany, pp. 132-135, May 29-31
M. Khalaf-Allah, K. Kyamakya
Database Correlation using Bayes Filter for Mobile Terminal Localization in GSM Suburban Environments,
in Proc. 2006 IEEE 63rd Semi-Annual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2006-Spring), Melbourne, Australia, pp. 798-802, May 7-10
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M. Khalaf-Allah, K. Kyamakya
Mobile Location using Database Correlation with Least-Squares and Bayes Filtering,
in Proc. 12th European Wireless Conference (EW2006), Athens, Greece, April 2 - 5
M. Neinhüs, M. El-Hadity, S. Held, T. Kaiser, and K. Solbach
An Ultra-Wideband Linear Array Beamforming Concept considering Antenna and Channel Effects,
first European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2006), Nice, France, November 6 – 10, 2006.
M. Winkler, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Channel Estimation in IEEE 802.11a Systems and its Effects on Time Domain Equalization,
International OFDM Workshop 2006, Hamburg, Germany
M. Winkler, M. Bartolozzi
Ad-hoc Networking: Infrastructure-free Communications for Military Operations,
Military CIS Conference 2006, Gdynia, Poland
Markus Fidler
An End-to-End Probabilistic Network Calculus with Moment Generating Functions,
Markus Fidler
Performance Analysis of Fading Channels using Probabilistic Network Calculus,
Markus Neinhüs, Mohammed El-Hadity, Sebastian Held, Thomas Kaiser, and Klaus Solbach
An Ultra Wideband Linear Array Beamforming Concept Considering Antenna and Channel Effects,,
„Antennen und Messverfahren für Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) -Systeme“, IMST GmbH, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort, Germany
Nicolas Liebau, Oliver Heckmann, Aleksandra Kovacevic, Omid Tafreschi, Markus Fidler, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz
A Secure Quorum Based Membership Mechanism for P2P Systems,
P. Tondl, M. Meincke, K. Jobmann
Dezentrale Verteilung sicherheitsrelevanter Verkehrsinformationen durch Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug-Kommunikation,
11. Mobilfunktagung, Technologien und Anwendungen, Osnabrück, 17./18. Mai 2006, ISBN 3-8007-2942-3
Peissig, J. Niehoff, W.
The Optical Microphone – Principle and Applications,
Reproduced Sound 22, Proc. of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol. 28, Pt.8, Oxford, 159-166.
Peissig, J., Niehoff, W.
Audio Beam – A parametric Transducer for focused sound application with good audio quality,
Reproduced Sound 22, Proc. of the Institute of Acoustics, Vol. 28, Pt.8, Oxford, p. 92-98
S. Galler, J. Schroeder, G. Rahmatollahi, K. Kyamakya, and K. Jobmann
Analysis and practical comparison of Wireless LAN and Ultra-Wideband technologies for advanced localization,
presented at Position, Location and Navigation Symposium - PLANS, San Diego, USA, 2006
Sanam Moghaddamnia, Amina Ayadi, Hans-Peter Kuchenbecker
Doppler Analysis in Underwater OFDM
Acoustic Systems Based on Cross-Ambiguity
11th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo’06), 30-31 August 2006
Schulze, E., Peissig, J.
Anpassung digital adaptiver Algorithmen zur Störgeräuschbefreiung von Mikrofonen an Hörsprechgarnituren,
DAGA2006, Braunschweig.
T. Kaiser and B. Tau Sieskul
An Introduction to Multiple Antennas for UWB Communication and Localization,
40th Princeton Conference in Information Science and Systems, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, March 22-24, 2006.
T. Kaiser, C. Senger, B. Tau Sieskul
Antenna Arrays for UWB Indoor Localization in Non-Line of Sight Environments,
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco,
California, USA, June 11-16, 2006.
Wallbrecher, J., Gelhard, O., Peissig, J.
Entwicklung einer handgehaltenen Signalquelle für Prüf- und Meßzwecke,
DAGA’06, Braunschweig.
A. Eltaher and T. Kaiser
UWB Beamforming for Wireless Indoor Positioning Systems,
RadioTeCc, Berlin, Germany, October 26-27, 2005.
A. Kani, K. N. Haines, A. Wilzeck, and T. Kaiser
MIMO Channel Measurements with an Educational XIXO Audio Channel Testbed,
IEE DSPEnabled Radio Conference, Southampton, England, September 19-20
A. Wilzeck, M. Amelingmeyer and T. Kaiser
A Pre-Filtered MIMO Single-Carrier System with Frequency Domain Equalization and Its Prototyping Platform,
RadioTecC, Berlin, Germany, October 26-27
B. Lübben
Leitideen zur Curriculum-Entwicklung in der Ingenieurpädagogik,
Design in Education in the 3rd Millenium - Frontiers in Engineering Education
C. Kupferschmidt, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Modelling of a Periodic-Stationary Radio Channel for a Rotating Nearfield Antenna System,
Wireless 2005, July 11-13, 2005, Calgary, Canada
Holters, M., Keiler, F. Zölzer, U. and Peissig, J.
Compander Systems with Adaptive Preemphasis/Deemphasis using Linear Prediction,
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, 2005, Athens.
J. Schroeder, S. Galler, and K. Kyamakya
A Low-Cost Experimental Ultra-Wideband Positioning System,
presented at IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, Zurich, 2005
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Markus Fidler
Server Models for Probabilistic Network Calculus,
Markus Fidler and Stephan Recker
A Dual Approach to Network Calculus Applying the Legendre Transform,,
LNCS 3375, pages 33-48
Markus Fidler, Oliver Heckmann, and Ralf Steinmetz
Preserving the Independence of Flows in General Topologies using Turn-Prohibition,
LNCS 3552, pages 193-205
Morris Riedel, Markus Fidler, and Volker Sander
Self-managing Functions in Web Services Agreement-based Autonomic Grids,
Nguyen, V. D.; Kuchenbecker, H.-P.; Pätzold, M.
Estimation of the channel impulse response length and the noise variance for OFDM systems,
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2005-Spring, Stockholm
O. Wulf, M. Khalaf-Allah, B. Wagner
Using 3D Data for Monte Carlo Localization in Complex Indoor Environments,
in Proc. 2nd Bi-Annual European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR'05), Ancona, Italy, pp. 170-175, Sep. 7-10
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Q. Cai, A. Wilzeck, and T. Kaiser
A Compound Method for Initial Frequency Acquisition in WCDMA Systems,
IEE DSPEnabled Radio Conference, Southampton, England, September 19-20
Q. Cai, A. Wilzeck, C. Schindler, S. Paul, and T. Kaiser
An Exemplary Comparison of Per Antenna Rate Control based MIMO-HSDPA Receivers,
EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya, Turkey, September 4-8
S. Ries and T. Kaiser
Various Beampatterns for UWB Impulse Beamforming,
Special Session on UWB
Antennas and Propagation, Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, Loughborough,UK, April 4-6, 2005.
Stephan Recker and Markus Fidler
Transformation-based Network Calculus Applying Convex/Concave Conjugates,
Stephan Recker and Markus Fidler
Network Calculus and Conjugate Duality in Network Performance Analysis,
Vollmer, Busse, Jobmann, Weber, Zender
Safety Support by an Automotive Middleware,
Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars – Electronic and Electrical SystemsSAE World Congress 2005, Detroit, 2005
Yuming Jiang, Peder J. Emstad, Anne Nevin, and Markus Fidler
Measurement-based Admission Control for a Flow-Aware Network,
A. Camargo, A. Kani, A. Wilzeck, and T. Kaiser
Audio-based Signaling Using Transmit Diversity,
TI European DSP Education and Research Symposium, Birmingham, UK, November 16
A. Heinrich, M. Krüger
The Interactive Learning Lab: A Complex and Flexible but Easy to Use Multimedia Environment,
International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, Orlando, Florida, Jul 21.-25.2004
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A. Heinrich, S. Feldmann
Assigning Multiple Resources in Ad Hoc Networks Using Self-Organizing Maps,
1st European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN) - Work in Progress, Berlin, 2004
A. Wilzeck, T. Kaiser, and R. Tempel
A Modular Multi-User MIMO Test-bed,
B. Lübben
Anwendungsorientierte didaktische Analyse für Curriculum-Entwicklungen, Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Technical Teacher Training",
Local Identity – Global Awareness: Engineering Education Today
C. Kupferschmidt, G. de Boer, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
A New DAB Scheme for the FM Band Based on Continuous Phase Modulation,
IEEE 54th Annual Broadcasting Symposium, October 13-15, 2004, Washington, USA
C. M. Takenga, K. R. Anne, K. Kyamakya, and J. C. Chedjou
Comparison of gradient descent method, Kalman filtering and decoupled Kalman in training neural networks used for fingerprint-based positioning,
in Proceedings of IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC '04), vol. 6, pp. 4146-4150, Los Angeles, Calif, USA, 26-29 September 2004
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Filtering strategies for packet forwarding in geographic routing,
presented at IEEE VTC-Fall, Los Angeles, USA, 2004
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
On the Use of Position Information of Nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks,
to be presented at 1st Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC 2004), Hannover, Germany, 2004
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
On the Use of Position Information of Nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks,
to be presented at 1st Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC 2004), Hannover, Germany, 2004
F. Maehara, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Performance of Diversity Reception for Coded Carrier Interferometry OFDM,
Proc. of IEEE VTC2004-Spring, May 2004, Milan, Italy
F. Maehara, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
A Novel Design of Transmit Diversity using Space-Time Block Coding for Coded Carrier Interferometry OFDM,
Proc. of First IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS), pp.98-102, January 2004, Seoul, Korea
Gerrit Einhoff and Markus Fidler
The Turnnet Concept: Routing in Feed-Forward Networks with Prohibited Turns,
I. Adusei, F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya
Location-based services: Advances and challenges,
to be presented at ITCC 2004 Mobile Enterprises: Enabling Applications/Enabling, USA, 2004
I. Adusei, F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya
Location-based services: Advances and challenges,
to be presented at ITCC 2004 Mobile Enterprises: Enabling Applications/Enabling, USA, 2004
I. Wassermann, C. Hansen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Symbol timing synchronisation for coherent OFDM single frequency networks,
9th International OFDM Workshop 2004, Dresden, Germany, pages 86-90
J. C. Chedjou, J. P. Dada, B. Nana, C. Takenga, K. Kyamakya
Harmonnic Oscillations, Routes to chaos and Synchronization In a Nonlinear Emitter-Receiver System,
in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall 2004, 2004
J. C. Chedjou, J. P. Dada, C. Takenga, R. Tchitnga, K. Kyamakya
On the evaluation of analog simulation of the dynamics of nonlinear systems for communication,
in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall 2004, 2004
J. C. Chedjou, K. Kyamakya
Contribution to the Study of the Dynamics and Synchronization of chaotic modulation in UWB Communication and Positioning Systems,
to be presented at EUROEM 2004 (Euro Electromagnetics) Conference (invited paper), Magdeburg, Germany, 2004
J. C. Chedjou, S. A. Kamanou, K. Kyamakya
The future of analog simulation for the analysis of the dynamics of non-linear systems for communication,
presented at IEEE VTC-Fall (invited paper), Los Angeles, USA, 2004
J. C. Chedjou, S. Kamanou, K. Kyamakya
On the Analysis of the Dynamics and Synchronization of chaotic modulation and demodulation in UWB Communication and Positioning Systems,
in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall 2004, 2004
J. C. Chedjou, S. Kamanou, K. Kyamakya
Analog Simulation of the Dynamics and the Synchronization of a Chaotic Pulse Generator for UWB Communication and Positioning Systems,
to be presented at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC-Fall (invited paper), Los Angeles, CA, 2004
J. E. Garcia, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
New Applications for Underwater Sensor Networks: Port Management and Controlling,
to be presented at 1st Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT 2004), Hamburg, Germany, 2004
J. E. Garcia, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
A Framework for Integrated Ad-hoc Positioning and Time Synchronization for Ocean Sensor Networks,
to be presented at 7th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2004), Delft, Netherlands, 2004
J. E. Garcia, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Ad-hoc Positioning for Ocean Sensor Networks,
to be presented at IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC 2004), Lake Como, Italy, 2004
J. E. Garcia, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Positioning Issues in Underwater Acoustic Networks,
to be presented at 1st Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC 2004), Hannover, Germany, 2004
K.R. Anne, K. Kyamakya, F. Erbas, C. Takenga, J.C. Chedjou
GSM RSSI-based positioning using extended Kalman filter for training artificial neural networks,
in Proceedings of IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC '04), vol. 6, pp. 4141- 4145, Los Angeles, Calif, USA, 26-29 September 2004
M. Lott, M. Meincke, R. Halfmann
Exploitation of Multiple Frequency Channels in WLAN,
WIT 2004, Hamburg, Germany, March 2004
M. Lott, M. Meincke, R. Halfmann
A New Approach to Exploit Multiple Frequencies in DSRC,
VTC Spring 2004, 2004
M. Meincke, M. Lott, K. Jobmann
A Reservation Based Medium Access Control Protocol in presence of Hidden Stations,
WIT 2004, Hamburg, Germany, March 2004
M. Winkler, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Evaluation of an Energy-Optimized Truncation of the Channel Impulse Response for HIPERLAN/2,
International OFDM Workshop 2004, Dresden, Germany
M. Winkler, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Energy-Optimized Shortening of the Channel Impulse Response for OFDM-Based WLANs,
16th International Conference on Wireless Communications 2004, Calgary, Canada
M.D. Pérez Guírao, J.E. Garcia, M. Meincke, M. Lott, K. Jobmann
Performance analysis of ARQ schemes for UTRA TDD ad hoc mode,
IEEE International Conference on Performance, Computing and Communications, pp. 547- 552, 2004
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M.D. Pérez Guirao, M. Meincke, M. Lott, K. Jobmann
Automatic Repeat Request in Ad Hoc Networks based on UTRA TDD,
WWC 2004, 2004
Markus Fidler and Gerrit Einhoff
Routing in Turn-Prohibition Based Feed-Forward Networks,,
LNCS 3042, pages 1168-1179
Peissig, J., Gorelik, V., and Wiggers, R.
Flowmeter and Audio Application of Wideband Ultrasonic Transducer,
DAGA2004, Strasbourg.
Peissig, J., Gorelik, V., and Wiggers, R.
High Performance Wideband Ultrasonic Sell Transducer,
Proc. of the AES 116th Convention, Berlin.
Peissig, J., ter Haseborg, J., Schleef, D., Görne, T., Keiler, U., Zölzer U.
Digitale Emulation analoger Kompander
Peissig, J., ter Haseborg, J.R., Keiler, F., Zölzer, U.
Digital Emulation of Analog Companding Algorithms for FM Radio Transmission,
Proc. DAFX-04 Conference on Digital Audio Effects, 285-290, Naples, Italy.
R. Anne, C. Takenga, K. Kyamakya
GSM RSSI-based positioning using Extended Kalman Filter for training an Artificial Neural Network,
to be presented at VTC Fall, Los Angeles, USA, 2004
S. Feldmann, A. Heinrich
Blocking and Blocking Probability in IEEE 802.11-Based Ad Hoc Networks,
COST 273, Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks 11th Management Committee Meeting, Duisburg (Germany), 2004
S. Kamanou, J. C. Chedjou, K. Kyamakya
Harmonic Oscillations, Routes to Chaos and Synchronization in a System Consisting of Nonlinear Emitter-Receiver,
to be presented at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC-Fall (invited paper), Los Angeles, CA, 2004
S. Kreiensen, K. Kyamakya
mobiGPS - Internet-based low-cost navigation for mobiles,
to be presented at 1st Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC 2004), Hannover, Germany, 2004
Schreiber, P., Kudaev, S., Gorelik, V., Peissig, J.
Fiber-Coupled Optical Microphones,
Convention Paper 6132, AES 2004, Berlin
T. Kaiser
UWB Beamforming under Realistic Channel Scenarios,
Magdeburg, Germany, July 12-16, 2004.
T. Kaiser
Smart ''Ultrawideband'' Antennas,
6th Wireless Communication Workshop
with Emphasis on SDR and Smart Antenna, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, May 7, 2004.
T. Kaiser
Fachausschuss 7.2 der Informationstechnischen Gesellschaft (ITG), Themenkreis Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Technologien und mögliche Anwendungen, IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany, November 11, 2004.
T. Kaiser
MIMO and UWB - A Systematic Study,
Session on UWB Communications,
IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference 2004, , Atlanta, USA, September 19-22, 2004.
T. Kaiser, A. Wilzeck, M. Berentsen, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Germany; M. Rupp, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Prototyping for MIMO Systems - An Overview (invited to special session "MIMO Prototyping"),
12th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2004), Vienna, Austria, September 6-10
V. D. Nguyen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Using CSI and Modulation to Improve Interference Cancellation Performance for OFDM Systems,
Accepted for publication in IEEE international Conference on Communications,IEEE ICC 2004, Paris, France, June 2004
V. D. Nguyen, K. Kyamakya
SER of Uncoded OFDM Systems with Insufficient Guard Interval Length and on Time-Varying Channels,
to be presented at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring, 2004
A. Wilzeck, T. Kaiser
Towards a 4x4 MIMO testbed,
IEE DSPenabledradio colloquium @ISLI, Scotland UK
A. Zapater, K. Kyamakya
A UWB-based indoor positioning concept: problem formulation, system design and feasibility analysis,
ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
A. Zapater, K. Kyamakya, S. Feldmann, M. Krüger, I. K. Adusei
Development and Implementation of a Bluetooth Networking Infrastructure for a Notebook-University Scenario,
ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
B. Lübben
Arbeit - Technik - Bildung als Leitideen didaktischer Konzepte. Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Technical Teacher Training",
Information - Kommunikation - Wissen: Ingenieurarbeit heute
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Modelling and Performance Analysis of A Novel Position-based Reliable Unicast and Multicast Routing Method using Couloured Nets,
presented at IEEE VTC-Fall, 2003
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
QoS issues in Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks: Design of a position-based routing concept integrating resource scheduling and time synchronization,
presented at ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
QoS issues in Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks: Design of a position-based routing concept integrating resource scheduling and time synchronization,
ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Modelling and Performance Analysis of A Novel Position-based Reliable Unicast and Multicast Routing Method using Couloured Nets,
IEEE VTC-Fall, 2003
Hofmann, F.; Hansen, C.; Schaefer, W.
Digital radio mondiale (DRM) Digital Sound Broadcasting in the AM Bands,
IEEE Transactions on BroadcastingVolume: 49, Issue: 3, Year: Sept. 2003
I. Adusei, K. Kyamakya
Content Networking for 3G Wireless Networks: Motivations, Open Issues and Research Avenues,
presented at ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
J.-E. Garcia, A. Kallel, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann, J.-C. Cano, P. Manzoni
A Novel DSR-based Energy-efficient Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,
presented at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Fall, Orlando, USA, 2003
J.E. Garcia, A. Kallel, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann, J.C. Cano, and P. Manzoni
A Novel DSR-based Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks,
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference "Fall" (VTC 2003), Orlando, Florida, USA, October 2003
K. Jobmann, K. Kyamakya
Location-based Services. Anforderungen, Stand der Technik, Entwicklungstrends,
presented at (Invited Paper) 4. Oldenburger Forum zum Elektronischen Geschäftsverkehr, Oldenburg, Germany, 2003
K. Kyamakya, I. K. Adusei, F. Erbas, M. Perez
A Fingerprint based positioning method using GSM Signal Strength Data and involving a neural network,
presented at ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
K. Kyamakya, T. Hartman, A. Zapater
Generation of Road Traffic Information by using Mobility Management Functions of the Cellular Networks (example of GSM),
ICWN'2003, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2003
K. Kyamakya, V. D. Nguyen
Cross-Layer Optimization Combining Channel Estimation and Position Determination in Multihop Wireless Networks,
presented at INOC 2003 (International Network Optimization Conference), Paris, France, 2003
K. Kyamakya, V. D. Nguyen
Cross-Layer Optimization Combining Channel Estimation and Position Determination in Multihop Wireless Networks (Cellular and Adhoc),
presented at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Fall, Orlando, USA, 2003
L. Huang, F. Gersemsky, and T. Kaiser
Towards a DSP based Smart Antenna System,
International DSP Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, May 6, 2003.
M. Krüger, K. Jobmann, J.-E. Garcia
The Integrated Networks Lecture,
International Conference on Engineering Education, July 21–25, 2003, Valencia, Spain
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M. Krüger, K. Jobmann, K. Kyamakya, J.-E. Garcia
mLearning with the Notebook-Seminar,
International Conference on Engineering Education, July 21–25, 2003, Valencia, Spain
M. Krüger, S. Feldmann, K. Jobmann, K. Kyamakya
Erfahrungsbericht ´Notebook-Seminar',
presented at 17. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze, Düsseldorf, 2003
M. Krüger, S. Feldmann, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
The 'handlungsorientierte' Notebook-Seminar,
FIE 2003, 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, November 5-8, 2003, Boulder, CO., USA
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M. Lott, R. Halfmann, M. Meincke
A Frequency Agile Air-Interface for Inter-Vehicle Communication,
ICT 2003, February 23 - March 1, 2003, Tahiti
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M. Meincke, K. Jobmann
Drahtlose Ad-Hoc-Netze - Mit Ad-Hoc-Netzen Infrastrukturkosten sparen,
Fachtagung "Mobil mit Funk" SächsTel, 28.10.2003, Dresden
M. Meincke, M. Lott, K. Jobmann
Reservation Conflicts in a Novel Air interface for Ad Hoc Networks based on UTRA TDD,
Proc. VTC 2003 (Fall), Oct. 2003, Orlando, USA
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M. Rudack, M. Meincke, M. Lott, K. Jobmann
On Traffic Dynamical Aspects of Inter Vehicle Communications (IVC),
Proc. VTC 2003 (Fall), Oct. 2003, Orlando, USA
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Markus Fidler
Extending the Network Calculus Pay Bursts Only Once Principle to Aggregate Scheduling,,
LNCS 2601, pages 19-34
Markus Fidler
M|G|1 Priority Scheduling with Discrete Pre-emption Points: On the Impacts of Fragmentation on IP QoS,
Markus Fidler
On The Impacts of Traffic Shaping on End-to-End Delay Bounds in Aggregate Scheduling Networks,,
LNCS 2811, pages 1-10
Markus Fidler and Volker Sander
Multi-Class Applications for Parallel Usage of a Guaranteed Rate and a Scavenger Service,
S. Feldmann, T. Hartmann, K. Kyamakya
Modeling and Evaluation of Scatternets Performance by using Petri Nets,
presented at ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
S. Feldmann, T. Hartmann, K. Kyamakya
An indoor Bluetooth-based positioning system: concept, implementation and experimental evaluation,
presented at ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
S. Feldmann, T. Hartmann, K. Kyamakya
Modeling and Evaluation of Scatternets Performance by using Petri Nets,
ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
S. Feldmann, T. Hartmann, K. Kyamakya
An indoor Bluetooth-based positioning system: concept, implementation and experimental evaluation,
ICWN'03, Las Vegas, USA, 2003
T. Kaiser
UWB Beamforming,
Kleinheubacher Tagung, Session on ''Efficient Communication
Systems using Smart Antennas'', Kleinheubach, Germany, September 29-October 2, 2003.
V. D. Nguyen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
A Novel Interference Cancellation Scheme Using Channel State Information for OFDM Systems,
Accepted for publication at 8th International OFDM-Workshop 2003, Hamburg
V. D. Nguyen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Intercarrier and Intersymbol Interference Analysis of OFDM Systems on Time-varying Channels,
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2003), June 15-18, 2003, Rom, Italy.
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V. D. Nguyen, M. Winkler, C. Hansen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems in case of Insuffficient Guard Interval Length,
15th International Conference on Wireless Communications, July 7-9, 2003, Alberta, Canada
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V. D. Nguyen, M. Winkler, C. Hansen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems in case of Insufficient Guard Interval Length,
presented at International Conference on Wireless Communications, Canada, 2003
A. Heinrich, M. Majdoub, J. Steuer, K. Jobmann
Real-Time Path-Loss Position Estimation in Cellular Networks,
presented at ICWN'02, Las Vegas, USA, 2002
A. Heinrich, M. Majdoub, J. Steuer, K. Jobmann
Real-Time Path-Loss Position Estimation in Cellular Networks,
ICWN'02, June 24-25, 2002, Las Vegas, USA
B. Lübben
Elektrotechnik und Informatik im Spannungsfeld von Wissen, Erfahrung und Innovation,
Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2002. Berufsbildung zwischen Wissen, Erfahrung und Innovation in den Elektro-, IT- und Medienberufen
B. Lübben
Arbeit - Technik - Bildung als Leitideen didaktischer Konzepte. Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Technical Teacher Training",
Ingenieur des 21. Jahrhunderts
B. Lübben
Mensch - Natur - Technik: St. Petersburg im Kontext der EXPO 2000 in Hannover. Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Mensch und Technik",
Ingenieur des 21. Jahrhunderts
C. Hansen, M. Winkler, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
A novel frequency tracking algorithm for coherent OFDM systems based on scattered pilots,
7th International OFDM-Workshop 2002, Hamburg
E. Garcia, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
A Framework for Fast and Smooth Handover in Mobile IPv6: E-Mobile IPv6,
presented at ICWN'02, Las Vegas, USA, 2002
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
DOM: A location-based service-platform for intermodal mobility support,
presented at MLW'2002, Greece, 2002
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
On the user profiles and the prediction of user movements in wireless networks,
presented at IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Lisabon, Portugal, 2002
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
On the user profiles and the prediction of user movements in wireless networks,
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Lisabon, Portugal, 2002
F. Erbas, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
DOM: A location-based service-platform for intermodal mobility support,
MLW'2002, Greece, 2002
F. Hofmann, C. Hansen, W. Schäfer
Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). Digital sound broadcasting in the AM bands,
52nd Annual Broadcasting Symposium, 2002, Washington D.C., USA
H. R. Arabnia, K. Kyamakya, Y. Mum
Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networks (June 24-27, 2002),
Las Vegas, USA: CSREA Press, 2002
J. Heyen, J. Schroeder, A.F. Jacob
Low-cost flip-chip alternatives for millimeter wave applications,
Microwave Symposium Digest, 2002 IEEE MTT-S International , Volume: 3 , 2-7 June 2002
More info
J. Steuer, K. Jobmann
The Use of Mobile Positioning supported Traffic Density Measurements to assist Load Balancing Methods based on Adaptive Cell Sizing,
13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications PIMRC 2002, Sept. 15-18, 2002, Lisbon, Portugal
J.E. Garcia, K. Kyamakya, and I.K. Adusei
Roaming and Billing Issues in Location Based Services,
International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'02), Las Vegas, USA, June 2002
J.E. Garcia, K. Kyamakya, and K. Jobmann
A Framework for Fast and Smooth Handover: E-Mobile IPv6,
International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'02), Las Vegas, USA, June 2002
J.E. Garcia, K. Kyamakya, and K. Jobmann
Privacy Issues in Location Based Services,
International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'02), Las Vegas, USA, June 2002
K. I. Adusei, K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Mobile Positioning Technologies in Cellular Networks: An Evaluation of their Performance Metrics,
presented at MILCOM 2002, California, USA, 2002
K. Kyamakya
Modelling of the real-time reliability of satellite-based navigation systems, example of DGPS,
Technical report, Univ. Hannover; Institute of Communications Engineering April 2002 2002
K. Kyamakya, G. Esteban, K. Jobmann
Privacy issues in LBS,
presented at ICWN'02, Las Vegas, USA, 2002
K. Kyamakya, I. K. Adusei, E. F., K. Jobmann
A Navigation System Using Cell-ID-based Positioning and Signal Strength-based Movement Detection in Cellular Systems,
presented at ICWN'02, Las Vegas, USA, 2002
K. Kyamakya, I. K. Adusei, G. Esteban, K. Jobmann
Roaming and billing issues in LBS,
presented at ICWN'02, Las Vegas, USA, 2002
K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Neue Informationsdienste zur Ortung und Navigation,
in INFORMATIONSTECHNOLOGIE AN NIEDERSÄCHSISCHEN HOCHSCHULEN: Niedersächisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, 2002
K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Location Management in Cellular Networks: Classification of the most Important Paradigms, Realistic Simulation Framework and Relative Performance Analysis,
presented at SPECTS'2002, San Diego, California, USA, 2002
K.-D. Tuchs, M. Cech, K. Jobmann
Automatic Detection of Abnormal Deviations from Network Performance Data Values,
IFIP/IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, NOMS 2002, Florence, Italy, 15-19 April 2002
M. Meincke, P. Tondl, M. D. Pérez Guirao, K. Jobmann
Wireless Adhoc Networks for Inter-Vehicle Communication,
GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)16. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze, Düsseldorf May 2002, ISBN 3-88579-346-6
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M. Rudack, M. Meincke, M. Lott
On the Dynamics of Ad Hoc Networks for Inter Vehicle Communications (IVC),
ICWN 2002, Las Vegas USA
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Markus Fidler
Transmission of Layered Video Streams in a Differentiated Services Network,
Markus Fidler
Differentiated Services based Priority Dropping and Its Application to Layered Video Streams,,
LNCS 2345, pages 551-562
V. D. Nguyen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Intercarrier and Intersymbol Interference Analysis of OFDM Systems on Time-invariant Channels,
IEEE PIMRC 2002 conference, Sep. 15-18, 2002, Lisbon, Portugal
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Volker Sander and Markus Fidler
A Pragmatic Approach for Service Provisioning Based on a Small Set of Per-Hop-Behaviors,
Volker Sander and Markus Fidler
Evaluation of a Differentiated Services based Implementation of a Premium and an Olympic Service,,
LNCS 2511, pages 36-46
A. Banchs, X. Perez, M. Radimirsch, S. Sallent
Service Differentiation Extensions for Elastic and Real-Time traffic in 802.11 Wireless LAN,
LANMAN 2001 (11th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks), Boulder, CO, USA; 18. - 21.3.2001
B. Lübben
Lernfeld-orientierte Neugestaltung der Elektro- und IT-Berufe. Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Technical Teacher Training",
Lust am Lehren - Lust am Lernen
B. Lübben
Wissen in der Wissensgesellschaft. Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Mensch und Technik",
Lust am Lehren - Lust am Lernen
C. Hansen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker, W. Schäfer
Frame and frequency synchronisation for coherent OFDM systems based on pilots with pseudorandom phase,
6th International OFDM-Workshop 2001, Hamburg
F. Erbas, J. Steuer, K. Kyamakya, D. Eggesieker, K. Jobmann
A Regular Path Recognition Method and Prediction of User Movements in Wireless Networks,
VTC Fall 2001, Mobile Technology for Third Milenium, Atlantic City, October 7-11, 2001
F. Erbas, J. Steuer, K. Kyamakya, D. Eggesieker, K. Jobmann
A Regular Path Recognition Method and Prediction of User Movements in Wireless Networks,
presented at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Fall, Atlantic City, 2001
K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Classification of Mobility Management Methods, Realistic Simulation. Framework and Relative Performance Analysis,
presented at MWCN'2001 - 3rd IEEE International Conference in Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks, Recife - Brazil, 2001
K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
Contribution to User Mobility Modelling for Cellular Networks,
presented at 6th International Conference on CDMA Networks (CIC'2001), Seoul, Korea, 2001
K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann
User Mobility Characterization within mobility homogeneous groups for cellular networks,
presented at 6th International Conference on CDMA Networks (CIC'2001), Seoul, Korea, 2001
K. Kyamakya, K.Jobmann
Classification of Mobility Management Methods, Realistic Simulation Framework and Relative Performance Analysis,
Proceeding of the MWCN'2001 - 3rd IEEE International Conference in Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks, August 14th-17th, 2001
K.-D. Tuchs, K. Jobmann
Intelligent Search for Correlated Alarm Events in Databases,
Markus Fidler
Management and Scheduling for Real-time Multimedia Applications,
Markus Fidler
Real-time Multimedia Streams in a Differentiated Services Network,
Markus Fidler
Load Sensitive Routing,
T. Welsch, K. Jobmann
Reliable Quality of Transport Monitoring in Optical Transparent Paths of All-Optical DWDM-Networks,
Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2001, March 18 - 22, Anaheim, USA
V. D. Nguyen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Block interleaving for Soft Decision Viterbi Decoding in OFDM Systems,
IEEE VTC Fall 2001 conference, Oct. 7-11, 2001, Atlantic City, USA
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V. D. Nguyen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Intercarrier and intersymbol interference analysis of OFDM systems over fading channels,
6th International OFDM-Workshop 2001, Hamburg
V. D. Nguyen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Interleaving algorithms for soft decision Viterbi decoding in OFDM systems over fading channels,
IEEE ICT 2001 conference, June 4-7, 2001, Bucharest, Rumania
B. Lübben
Fachdidaktische Konturen für Lernfeldkonzepte in der Gewerbelehrer-Ausbildung. Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Technical Teacher Training",
Unique and Excellent: Ingenieurausbildung im 21. Jahrhundert
B. Lübben
Globalisierung - Personale Flexibilität für eine nachhaltige Technikgestaltung? Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Mensch und Technik",
Unique and Excellent: Ingenieurausbildung im 21. Jahrhundert
C. Kupferschmidt, D. Clawin, K. Gieske, F. Hoffmann, T. Mlasko, J. Passoke, G. Spreitz, M. Stepen
A combined DAB/FM receiver system on chip,
VDE World Microtechnologies Congress, Sept. 25-27, 2000, Expo 2000, Hannover
K. Jobmann, A. Heinrich, K.-D. Tuchs, G. Bruschek, K. Hartmann, M. Esteve, C. Palau, J.C. Guerri
Hat Teleteaching eine Chance? – Ein Bericht über Versuche, Erfahrungen und zukünftige Wege,
Sport und Informatik", Bericht über den 7. Workshop Sport und Informatik vom 14. – 17. Juni 2000 in Mainz, Hrsg: Jürgen Perl, Veranst: dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik Wissenschaftliche Berichte und Materialien des Bundesinstituts für Sportwissenschaft, Universität Mainz
K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann, M. Meincke
Security and Survivability of Distributed Systems: an Overview,
IEEE MILCOM 2000, October 22-25, 2000. Los Angeles, California
K. Kyamakya, K. Jobmann, M. Meincke
Security and Survivability of Distributed Systems: an Overview,
presented at IEEE MILCOM 2000, Los Angeles, California, 2000
K.-D. Tuchs, P. Tondl, M. Radimirsch, K. Jobmann
Automatic Search for Correlated Alarms,
2. International Workshop on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2000), Munich, April 2000, ISBN 3-89675-928-0
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M. Esteve, C. Palau, J.C. Guerri, K. Jobmann, F. Niemann, K.-D. Tuchs
Synchronous and Asynchronous Teleteaching: Comparison of two Experiences,
International Symposium on Telemedicine and Teleeducation in Practice, ISTEP 2000, March 2000, Kosice, Slovakia
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M. Esteve, J.C. Guerri, K. Jobmann, F. Niemann, K.-D. Tuchs, C. Palau
Advantages and Disadvantages of different Approaches to Teleteaching,
GMW2000, Innsbruck, September 2000
M. Radimirsch, J. Khun-Jush
Application of HIPERLAN Type 2 Systems in Private Environments,
Internation Conference on Telecommunications, Acapulco, Mexico, May 2000
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M. Winkler
Equalization Techniques for OFDM Transmission Systems,
Winner of IEE European Young Members Paper Competition 2000, Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany
N. Elouardi, J. Steuer, M. Radimirsch, H. Fette, K. Jobmann
Proactive Dynamic Resource Distribution Based on Borrowing and Control Engineering Methods for GSM-like Systems,
PIMRC 2000 -The 11th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication-18-21 September 2000, London UK
| File |
N. Hentati, M. Schrader
Additive algorithm for reduction of the crestfactor (AARC),
5th International OFDM-Workshop 2000, Hamburg
N. Hentati, M. Schrader
Power improvement of high power amplifiers in OFDM-systems,
14. Internationale Wissenschaftlicher-Konferenz, 2000, Mittweida
T. Kaiser
How should the Viterbi-Algorithm be modified for impulsive noise ?,
Special Session on "Statistical Signal and Array Processing", International
Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 23-26, 2000.
T. Welsch, D. Stoll, K. Jobmann
Cost Minimization by improving Structures and Elements in All-Opticall Metropolitan WDM-Networks,
2. International Workshop on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2000), Munich, April 2000, ISBN 3-89675-928-0
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T. Welsch, K. Jobmann
Permanent Quality of Transport Monitoring in Optical Transparent Paths of All-Optical WDM-Networks,
International Conference on Telecommunications, Acapulco, Mexico, May 2000
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V. D. Nguyen, C. Hansen
Channel estimation with the aid of robust pilot symbols for a coherent OFDM system,
5th International OFDM-Workshop 2000, Hamburg
V. D. Nguyen, C. Hansen
Channel Estimation with The Aid of Robust Pilot Symbols for a Coherent OFDM System,
presented at 5th International OFDM-Workshop, Hamburg, 2000
V. D. Nguyen, C. Hansen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Performance of Channel Estimation Using Pilot Symbols for a Coherent OFDM System,
presented at International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'00), 2000
V. D. Nguyen, C.Hansen, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Performance of channel estimation using pilot symbols for a coherent OFDM system,
The Third International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Nov. 12-15, 2000, Bangkok, Thailand
B. Lübben
Fachliche Berufsbildungsdialoge zur Gewerbelehrerausbildung. Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Technical Teacher Training",
Engineering Education in the Third Millenium
B. Lübben
Globalisierung - Personale Flexibilität bei fachlicher Kontinuität in der Ingenieurarbeit? Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Mensch und Technik",
Engineering Education in the Third Millenium
J. Steuer, K. Jobmann
SDL Based System Level Simulation Tool MOSIT for the Examination Of Advanced Handover And Channel Allocation Algorithms With Smart Antennas,
ISAS99, Orlando, Aug. 1999
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J. Steuer, T. Giese, K. Jobmann
Simple Smart Antenna Models For System Level Simulation of Advanced Handover and Channel Allocation Protocols,
Cost259 (Thessaloniki 99)
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M. Radimirsch, V. Vollmer
HIPERLAN Type 2 Standardisation - An Overview,
European Wireless and 4. ITG Fachtagung Mobile Kommunikation, Munich, Germany, 1999
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B. Lübben
Fachdidaktik - aus ingenieurpädagogischer Sicht Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Technical Teacher Training",
Pädagogische Probleme in der Ingenieurausbildung
B. Lübben
Zukunftsorientierte Verantwortungskompetenz. Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Mensch und Technik",
Pädagogische Probleme in der Ingenieurausbildung
B. Lübben, H. Jansen
Vermittlung von Kernqualifikationen in den neuen Berufen der Informations- und Telekommunikations-technik - Probleme und Fragen aus der Sicht einer Berufsschule,
Elektrotechnik Grundbildung - Auf dem Weg zur Fachbildung?
D. Färber
Ein erweitertes Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum System,
OFDM-Fachgespräch, 1998, Universität Braunschweig
F. Niemann, D. Kornehl, A. Bouagina, K. Jobmann
Eine integrierte policy- und web-basierte Netzmanagementarchitektur für das Intranet und Internet,
2. ITG Anwenderfachtagung "Internet - frischer Wind in der Telekommunikation - Perspektiven für Anwender und Anbieter" im Rahmen des VDE Kongresses, 98
| File |
J. Biesterfeld, K. Jobmann
The Use of Prediction Areas to Improve Mobility Management Algorithms,
Proc. of the International Conference on Telecommunications' 98, Chaldiki, Juli 1998, Vol. 4, S. 446-450
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J. Biesterfeld, K. Jobmann
Evaluating different Mobility Management Methods,
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Personal Wireless Communications, Tokio, April 1998, S. 167-174
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J. Steuer, M. Lampe, K. Jobmann
Consideration of Link Level Parameters in System Level Simulation of 3rd Generation Mobile Communication Protocols using SDL,
ICT'98, Porto Carras, Juni 1998
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J. Steuer, M. Lampe, K. Jobmann
Joint Link and System Level Simulation of 3. Generation Mobile Communication Protocols with SDL,
PWC98, Tokyo, April 1998
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J. Steuer, M. Lampe, K. Jobmann
SDL-Simulationtool for Advanced Handover Protocols,
COST259, Bern Februar 1998
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K. Brüninghaus, M. Radimirsch
Coarse Frame Synchronisation for OFDM based Wireless Communication Systems,
9th Symposion on Person, Mobile, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Boston, USA, 1998
| File |
M. Pauli, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
On the reduction of the out-of-band radiation of OFDM-signals,
Proc. ICC 1998, Atlanta, USA
M. Radimirsch, W. Detlefsen
Entwurf einer OFDM Funkschnittstelle für ein Kommunikationssystem unter Berücksichtigung der Systemanforderungen,
3. OFDM Fachgespräch, Braunschweig, Germany, 1998
| File |
N. Hentati, M. Schrader
Reduktion der Außerbandstrahlung von Sendeendstufen im DAB-COFDM-System,
OFDM-Fachgespräch, 1998, Universität Braunschweig
T.Welsch, H. Wietgrefe, K. Jobmann
An Environment for the Design and Test of IN-Services,
IN'98 Workshop in Bordeaux
| File |
U. Vornefeld, M. Radimirsch, A. Krämling, M. Bornemann
Experiences with the Implementation of a 34 Mbit/s Wireless ATM Air Interface,
MTT-S Europaen Wireless 98, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1998
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A. Krämling, G. Seidel, M. Radimirsch, W. Detlefsen
Performance Evaluation of MAC schemes for wireless ATM systems with centralised control considering processing delays,
2nd European Personal Mobile Communications Conference, Bonn, Germany, 1997
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C. Kirk, B. Lübben, C. Zoch
Erfahrungsbericht über eine projektorientierte Unterrichtseinheit zu den neuen Niedersächsischen Richtlinen für die Grundstufe Elektrotechnik,
Didaktische Annäherungen. Berufliche Schulen und betriebliche Bildung auf neuen Wegen
D. Petras, M. Radimirsch, A. Krämling, U. Vornefeld
Support of ATM service classes in Wireless ATM Networks,
ACTS Mobile Summit, Aalborg, Denmark, 1997
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F. Niemann, H. Wietgrefe, K. Jobmann
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eines policybasierten Managements im Mobilfunk,
2. IEEE Newcomer Workshop TUHH 1997
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H. Wietgrefe, K.-D. Tuchs, K. Jobmann, G. Carls, P. Fröhlich, W. Nejdl, S. Steinfeld
Using Neural Networks for Alarm Correlation in Cellular Phone Networks,
Proc. of IWANNT 1997, Melbourne
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J. Biesterfeld, E. Ennigrou, K. Jobmann
Location Prediction in Mobile Networks with Neural Networks,
Proc. of the International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications '97, Melbourne, Juni 1997, S. 207-214
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J. Biesterfeld, U. Grape, K. Jobmann
Kopplung von DECT- und GSM-Mobilfunksystemen,
ITG Fachtagung: Auf dem Weg zur modernen Informations-Infrastruktur, Stuttgart, Februar 1997, S. 235-245
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J. Steuer, J. Biesterfeld, K. Jobmann
Kopplung von DECT- und GSM-Mobilfunksystemen über das A-Interface,
2. IEEE Newcomer Workshop TUHH 1997, Hamburg, Sep. 1997
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K. Jobmann, J. Biesterfeld, E. Ennigrou
Location Prediction in Mobile Networks with Neural Networks,
presented at International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications '97, Melbourne, 1997
M. Pauli, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Neue Aspekte zur Reduzierung der durch Nichtlinearitäten hervorgerufenen Außerbandstrahlung eines OFDM-Signals,
OFDM-Fachgespräch, 1997, Universität Braunschweig
M. Pauli, H.-P. Kuchenbecker
Minimization of the intermodulation distortion of a nonlinearly amplified OFDM signal,
Wireless Personal Communications 4(1997)1, 93-101
B. Lübben
Sicherheitserziehung: EU - Vorgaben und ihre Umsetzung in der Lehrerausbildung,
Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Technical Teacher Training". Bildung durch Kommunikation
J. Biesterfeld, U. Grape, K. Jobmann
The Application of MAP in DECT-Systems,
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Personal Wireless Communications, Aachen 1996
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M. Pauli
Reduzierung der durch Nichtlinearitäten hervorgerufenen Außerbandstrahlung eines OFDM-Signals im Mobilfunk,
OFDM-Fachgespräch, 1996, Universität Braunschweig
Peissig, J.,Albani, S., Wittkop, T., Woods, B., Kollmeier, B.
Enhancement of speech signals employing models of binaural interaction,
Acoustica united with acta acustica, vol. 82, Suppl. 1, forum acusticum, 91
Albani, S., Peissig, J., Kollmeier, B.
Ein neurophysiologisch motiviertes Lokalisationsmodell zur Separation von räumlich verteilten Schallquellen in Echtzeit,
DAGA’95, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef.
B. Lübben
Lean Production, .... Lean Education - und dann? Vortrag in der Arbeitsgruppe "Technical Teacher Training",
Ingenieurausbildung und Strukturveränderungen am Arbeitsplatz des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts
Albani, S., Peissig, J., Kollmeier, B.
Echtzeitimplementation und Test eines binauralen Lokalisationsmodells,
Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA’94, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef, 1393-1396
Peissig, J., Kollmeier, B.
A real-time model of binaural sound source localisation resolving spatial ambiguities ,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95, No. 5, 3004.
Peissig, J., Kollmeier, B.
Binaural hearing aid algorithms for noisy and reverberant environments,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95, No. 5, 3004.
Peissig, J., Kollmeier, B.
Richtcharakteristik des binauralen Hörsystems bei Normal- und Schwerhörigen,
Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA’93, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef 1993, 744-747.
Hohmann, V., Peissig, J., Kollmeier, B.
Multiband Dynamikkompression für Hörgeräte,
Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA’92, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef, 1045-1048.
Kollmeier, B., Hohmann, V., Peissig, J.
Digital Signal Processing for Binaural Hearing Aids,
ICA 14, Beijing, H3-4.
Peissig, J., Hohmann, V., Kollmeier, B.
Bewertung binauraler Hörgerätestrategien zur Störgeräuschunterdrückung auf einem Echtzeit-Signalprozessor-System,
Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA’92, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef 1992, 1049-1052.
Hohmann, V., Peissig, J., Kollmeier, B.
Beurteilung und Anpassung von digitalen Echtzeit-Hörgerätealgorithmen,
Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA’91, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef 1991, 597-600.
Peissig, J., Kollmeier, B.
Echtzeitsimulation digitaler Hörgerätealgorithmen mit Multisignalprozessorsystem,
Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA’90, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef 1990, 1007-1010.
Kollmeier, B., Müller, C., Peissig, J.
Sprachverständlichkeitsmessungen mit einem modifizierten Reimtest in deutscher Sprache,
Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA’89, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef 1989, 391-394.
Peissig, J., Kollmeier, B.
Verbesserung der Sprachverständlichkeit durch interaurale Verstärkung?,
Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA’88, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef 1988, 685-688.
Müller, C., Kollmeier, B., Peissig, J.
Zeitoptimierung bei Sprachverständlichkeitsmessungen,
Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA’87, DPG-Kongreß GmbH, Bad Honnef 1987, 669-672.