Institut für Kommunikationstechnik Forschung Forschungsprojekte
Implementation and comparative analysis of decentralized on-ramp merging algorithms, MA, KN (Betreuer: Edmir Xhoxhi)


  • VaMoS 2 - Validated Models of MapReduce Scaling - Phase 2
    The goal of the VaMoS project is to bridge the gap between systems-oriented research and queueing theoretic works on parallel systems to create models which reflect the performance of real systems and their scaling behavior. This document reports on the first phase of this project, and proposes an extension to the project with a work program that builds on the successes and developments in the field over the last few years.
    Led by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Fidler
    Team: Brenton Walker
    Year: 2024
    Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Projektnummer: