Institut für Kommunikationstechnik Forschung Forschungsprojekte
Hooray – Evaluation der Leistungsgrenzen eines am Kopf getragenen Mikrofon-Arrays für auf Deep Learning basierende dynamische akustische Szenenanalyse

Hooray – Evaluation der Leistungsgrenzen eines am Kopf getragenen Mikrofon-Arrays für auf Deep Learning basierende dynamische akustische Szenenanalyse

Led by:  Prof. Dr. Jürgen Peissig
Team:  Nils Poschadel, Stephan Preihs
Year:  2023
Funding:  Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Projektnummer: 517437545
Duration:  03/2023 - 02/2026

As part of the Hooray research project, the Low-Cost Open-Source Head Motorization (LoCOMo) Kit for the KEMAR head and torso simulator was developed and published (see The kit and the evaluation of its acoustic impact on measured HRTFs were presented at the 155th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society:

N. Poschadel, S. Preihs, and J. Peissig, “LoCOMo: A Low-Cost Open-Source Head Motorization Kit,” presented at the 155th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, (2023 Oct.).