Network calculus is a branch of queueing theory, exploring the bounding behavior for queues. While network calculus was initially intended for performance guarantee analysis of queueing systems arising in Internet networks, it has been extended and applied to a much wider range of areas. They include various other types of communication networks such as wireless networks, sensor networks, IEEE 802 delay sensitive networking (DSN) networks, and wireless-powered communication systems. In addition, real-time systems (RTS), networks/systems on chip, computing systems, smart grid systems, energy storage systems and operations research have also found network calculus to be a useful tool. Furthermore, network calculus has contributed appealing results to the classical queueing theory.
The 2018 International Workshop on Network Calculus and Applications (NetCal 2018) intends to provide a dynamic forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss ideas and contributions in network calculus and its applications. Together with the technical session, NetCal 2018 will feature keynotes / tutorials from leading network calculus experts.
NetCal 2018 will be held in Vienna, Austria as part of the 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30). We invite original papers, reporting mature or early-stage results, in the network calculus theory and its applications to different areas.